

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Day 12 and 13

"What to do with the do so that you could do the do."

Me and M haven't talked to each other for a long time now, so I'm gonna stop the "Conversation with M thing to what happened this morning." Sooooooooo...... Ever since January I've been feeling low and depress because of Me, Myself. Why, you ask? It is Because ever since I took college course, I've been thinking that College is like College Course, where you sit down in desk and work your ass off all day and beg your professors that you deserve much better than a 70 in your average. So,My family and I had a really long discussion this sunday and we settled things because We cool like that. But with the Help of my sister who helped me realized that everything is made for one reason and it is to lead you to the place were you want to stand in the future and all the hardships that you face right now is the only thing that will keep you alive in the future. There is no such thing us luck only the fact that you overcome something that others cannot accomplished by themselves. In a world filled with desires and dreams we have to work our asses off for the benefits that we can get in the future. And that's about it for Monday, I just learned a life lesson and I learned that I can never agree to my older sister or I always talk back her but there is want thing that love about her and it is being able to depend on her.

Today, in school, I did nothing but watch Movies, draw in a notebook, and talked with friends, while others took tests. In my last Class period, My art teacher, the last period was art, asked us if we can clean up the supply room and if we do a good enough job she supplies us with art stuff, like paper, pencils and whatnot.
So after we finish, she gave us some art stuff and we went on with our lives. I got some black paper and White prismacolor pencils, and a bigass ruler, and some cloth. After school, 1, 3, 4, and I went to 1's house to chill for a while and played a little bit of games before he go to his job. I know 1 sounds professional and S*** but he's just gonna waste his hard earned money for videogames and a PS VITA, I'm sure y'all know about that right.
After we were done with chillin, we went to 3's old house/storage/cottage so that we could clean it up and turn it into a club house. It's like a tree house but it's on the ground. While we were cleaning up stuff, we found some "bad" stuff if ya know wat Ima sayin'. So 3 and I were checking on the stuff that were already in Boxes and as we go through it we saw some Mail, but not just ordinary mail, it was mail that has some vulgar stuff in it. You know them Subscription stuff that you get through the mail like Game Informer and stuff like that? It's like that but porn. So I'm seeing some pretty bad stuff deep within the paper and the stuff they show is very eye catching and the positions and products they showed were unbelievable like I don't even know that they could actually do that or use it like that.
After the whole finding the porn stash objective, we found some AMMO, yes that's right. It was for a rifle, like the ones you see in rifles back in Nam'. We found about 300 rifle bullets but we lost one and now we found 299. Then the search for guns and more ammo continued from 5 to 7. at the last minutes, we saw a metal box that says it has some RPG's in it but all we saw was some wrenches and busted up tubes and rusted metal, we were disappointed. I don't know when we're going to come back but There will be a time where I, The Blogger Person, and 3, the Best Friend that Owns the Busted house, will come back in the dusty house to searche some guns and ammo. The house was pretty dusty because it hasn't been cleaned for almost 5 years or so, and I'm a Allergic to Dust so I've been suffocating in there for 2 hours.

Until Next time.

Much Love. Peace

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