Day 1
I don't know if my life is interesting or boring, but all I know is making this journal/blog in the internet is gonna make a difference. Today, for the first time 17 years of my life, I Started caring about my life. Is it normal or is it considered a disease. Well, today was a normal day like no other and as high school student normal is just a word in the dictionary that meant something about being the same as everyone else. Like any day, I wake up, get ready, and go to school except in the Weekends. In school, I talk to one of my friends that i talk to every morning, just the mornings, because my best friends come to school after I do.
Conversations with M:
Today, I talked to M*, I'm gonna be using M since that's the first letter of "HER" first name, about how my other Friends forced her to ask me out to the prom that is about three says from now and how her current date ask me if he can take my Older sister. If she asked me out due to my retarded friends forcefulness i would feel like shit and think about how loserific i am. After that..... I completely forgot the rest, sorry about that.
Anime Mornings:
Since my First period is considered free time, my pals and I watched an episode of one of the new anime that is currently airing in Japan. Today's anime was "Kore wa Zombie Desu Ka??" or Are You a Zombie? Its an okay anime, full of gags and interesting facts and it is pretty much an okay episode for today. Nothing special happened in the episode but it was good enough to be considered Entertaining to anime freaks like myself.
Mistakes of today:
My mistakes for today is, and always will be, being an asshole to everybody. I don't know if I consider myself an asshole or not but I pretty much feel like it. Back in the day, I used to be nice to people and I considered myself as a Yes Man. Last year, I was always a happy go lucky guy, did my school work, had friends, easy going, not always frustrated, and a friend to everybody, but now i feel like that these things are the opposite of who i am today, except for the Friends part. Today, I didn't want to let my friend borrow my laptop because, as always, I don't trust him touching my laptop because he might give me a Virus and slow down my computer. He kept asking me and sarcastically begging me to hand my laptop to him to a point where I wanted clock his face in, but i didn't. I wanted to study so that i could pass this test but in return for not letting me borrow him my laptop he keeps closing down my internet browser and taking away my notebook. Since, i can hold my temper for a long time, I gave up and let him borrow it since I opened my laptop already. He calmly asked me but at the same time forced himself to use my laptop, i gave up. *sigh* As i looked up at the Clock, i had wasted 7 minutes left to study, so instead of summing up what i can I drew in my notebook instead.
6 periods later, which is 9th period. My group and I were working on a project for Physics and I got over this morning's frustrating battle with my friend. At the last minutes of class i was thinking of asking this girl out to the prom since she didn't have a date. after the bell rang, i was thinking of going for it but the my retarded self was to nervous and chickened out. Then one of my best friends told me "if your not gonna ask her, I'll ask her for you." First I was like "Yes!!" but i thought about it and I remembered one of my Female Teachers told me that a guy should ask a girl out by himself instead of asking others to do it for him. So I asked my friend is he did ask her and he said "No," so i told myself that i would hate myself if i don't man-up now and not ask her to the Prom. And so i did.
"(Said girls name*).... Uhhh...umm.... will you go prom with me..." (Exact words)
and the girl said "AWWWWW~~!!" I think that she thought it was cute but sadly she rejected me and now i feel like shit and pathetic. I wish i could have done better but who knows it must be for the better. the shitty feeling i have right now is now turned into this blog.
Well this is today's relenting experiences and if anybody's reading this right now, i hope you keep on reading.
"M" wanted to go to prom with you otherwise i don't think they would have "forced" her