Okay Errbody, Since my days has been boring and all I talk about is how i spend my day I'm Just gonna Put little Summaries on what I have accomplished today.
Quote of the Day made by me:
"You can't always look at yourself and say how Pathetic you are, Just look at the other people around you and tell yourself that you are better than them."
SO today, I played Videogames, Eat, and took an Atomic bomb to the Sewers, in other words I took a dump. I didn't get to exercise because of the Wind outside that was air-feeding me with sand and tiny bits of rock but the good news is I have less pain and suffering on my legs because the Mosquitoes didn't get the chance to bite me. I went inside and 6 minutes later the Lights went off or power outage happened in the whole town so that it was 90 degrees inside the house, I live in a dessert town so you gotta believe me. My siblings and I were playing cards for 15 minutes and as punishment for the loser we had the chance to hit them with a pillow, talk about slumber party with three people and one of them is a "MAN". I tired to teach them how to play Liars Dice or Bulls*** but they weren't interested and my ability to explain a game in My language, Illonggo, is very hard, I could try using English but it feels weird. When the lights came back, My family did the rosary prayer thing and after that I went directly to my room to practice drawing so that I could make this Manga that I was planning to make people cry because of the Story.
Then I got Bored and Played Red Dead Redemption. :D
Thank you for reading

Thursday, May 31, 2012
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Day 21
Well Today is very fulfilling but not all of the Activities that I have planned were done. Like eating while taking a dump, That part i wanted to do the most, not really. I forgot to call 4 again and so my plans with him aren't done and dance central is scratched up because of my careless sister.
The Driving test will be done on Monday of next week, or Friday of this week. And i finished up everything that I have to do for my requirements for the Driving License that I was supposed to get 9 months ago so I don't have to worry about anything.
Well nothing special happened only the fact that my Backyard is infested of annoying Mosquitoes and I can't do my exercise in the back. So in order to get rid of the Mosquitoes I have to get all the water out from the Unused pool in the back and maybe replace it water, clean water, water that can make bugs and other annoying pest go BYE BYE.
Throughout the day, I was sucked in to play Red Dead Redemption again, so I have to like I hide the Game so that I couldn't play it. I played for 5 hour straight and I will not be doing it tomorrow.
That's about it. Nothing special happens during the Summer unless you find something beneficial that you want to try out. If any of y'all youngsters are reading this WATCH PHINEAS AND FERB TO GET SOME IDEAS ON WHAT TO DO IN THE SUMMER, EVEN IF IT MEANS DOING NOTHING FOR THE WHOLE DAY.
The Driving test will be done on Monday of next week, or Friday of this week. And i finished up everything that I have to do for my requirements for the Driving License that I was supposed to get 9 months ago so I don't have to worry about anything.
Well nothing special happened only the fact that my Backyard is infested of annoying Mosquitoes and I can't do my exercise in the back. So in order to get rid of the Mosquitoes I have to get all the water out from the Unused pool in the back and maybe replace it water, clean water, water that can make bugs and other annoying pest go BYE BYE.
Throughout the day, I was sucked in to play Red Dead Redemption again, so I have to like I hide the Game so that I couldn't play it. I played for 5 hour straight and I will not be doing it tomorrow.
That's about it. Nothing special happens during the Summer unless you find something beneficial that you want to try out. If any of y'all youngsters are reading this WATCH PHINEAS AND FERB TO GET SOME IDEAS ON WHAT TO DO IN THE SUMMER, EVEN IF IT MEANS DOING NOTHING FOR THE WHOLE DAY.
Day 19 and 20, and 21 predictions
For those who follow or just reading this Blog for fun, I'm sorry for the delay because I have been very lazy and I have been playing videogames for two days. Today is May the 30th and also the 20th day since i started this blog. I currently posted this blog at around 10AM or so and I will be predicting what will happen today after I put what what happened at day 18 and 19. Onward into Battle!!
Day 19:
Monday, It used to be a sucky day but now it's Summer so I don't have to worry about getting up early which is 6:45 o'clock. However, I slept at 3 AM and woke up at 9 AM. I got a slight headache because of my stupidity. All day I did chores like an Indentured Slave, Sweeping the Floor, Putting the Laundry into the Washer then into the Dryer and Folding it so that it would look good in our Closets. I also cleaned the Bathroom and tried my best to make it look clean as possible. Then I mopped the floor, washed the Dishes, wipe the smudges off the TV and finally i Cleaned my dirty ass room. My teacher, 6's wife, asked me If I can help her with cleaning up her room like we did with 6's room back in Day 16 but I was doing my own Job inside my house so that my parents won't B**** about all the S*** that I didn't do. I sound like i hate my Job but I have a good reason. They don't appreciate what I do until i tell them or make them remember what I did, I don't get paid not even an allowance, yes, yes, I know my parents are cruel, shocking isn't it, and most of all My mother sits on her bed trying to "work" in her Laptop but the only work that i see every single time is her buying Shoes from Ebay and chatting with her friends in Facebook. I'm the one that should be doing those things but NO~~~~ I'm poor as F***!!! And Facebook should have a 2 hour limit per day CUZ LONELY PEOPLE SPEND THEIR WHOLE DAY TRYING TO LOOK AT THEIR NOTIFICATIONS JUST TO SEE IF SOMEBODY LIKED THEIR STATUS.
Day 20:
I woke up again to this miserable planet and the retarded people that destroys everything that mother nature gave them. If I was Gaia, I would start 2012 by farting and spread it inside the atmosphere and make the Sun go Devil Jin Laser into the Core and blow up the whole planet. Enough of my Nerdy Emo Thoughts. So again, I have to do my chores again because I baby F***** it up yesterday, Baby bro. So i have to sweep the Floor, mopped the floor, lick the floor, kissed the floor, begging it to be clean throughout the Summer. I didn't Kiss nor Licked the floor you damn perverts that was just a lie. And then, at 1 PM to 12 AM all I did was eat and play Videogames all day. I played Dragon Age: Origins and I was trying to figure out how to get this B**** named Jarvia or something so that I could kill her. I spent 3 nonstop hours to figure how to get to her. Then i had an Idea, I stopped playing the game and played Red Dead Redemption. Throughout the Day i thought 4 is gonna stay at my house but I forgot to call him to come by.
Day 21:
Today I might do all of the Followings:
Day 19:
Monday, It used to be a sucky day but now it's Summer so I don't have to worry about getting up early which is 6:45 o'clock. However, I slept at 3 AM and woke up at 9 AM. I got a slight headache because of my stupidity. All day I did chores like an Indentured Slave, Sweeping the Floor, Putting the Laundry into the Washer then into the Dryer and Folding it so that it would look good in our Closets. I also cleaned the Bathroom and tried my best to make it look clean as possible. Then I mopped the floor, washed the Dishes, wipe the smudges off the TV and finally i Cleaned my dirty ass room. My teacher, 6's wife, asked me If I can help her with cleaning up her room like we did with 6's room back in Day 16 but I was doing my own Job inside my house so that my parents won't B**** about all the S*** that I didn't do. I sound like i hate my Job but I have a good reason. They don't appreciate what I do until i tell them or make them remember what I did, I don't get paid not even an allowance, yes, yes, I know my parents are cruel, shocking isn't it, and most of all My mother sits on her bed trying to "work" in her Laptop but the only work that i see every single time is her buying Shoes from Ebay and chatting with her friends in Facebook. I'm the one that should be doing those things but NO~~~~ I'm poor as F***!!! And Facebook should have a 2 hour limit per day CUZ LONELY PEOPLE SPEND THEIR WHOLE DAY TRYING TO LOOK AT THEIR NOTIFICATIONS JUST TO SEE IF SOMEBODY LIKED THEIR STATUS.
Day 20:
I woke up again to this miserable planet and the retarded people that destroys everything that mother nature gave them. If I was Gaia, I would start 2012 by farting and spread it inside the atmosphere and make the Sun go Devil Jin Laser into the Core and blow up the whole planet. Enough of my Nerdy Emo Thoughts. So again, I have to do my chores again because I baby F***** it up yesterday, Baby bro. So i have to sweep the Floor, mopped the floor, lick the floor, kissed the floor, begging it to be clean throughout the Summer. I didn't Kiss nor Licked the floor you damn perverts that was just a lie. And then, at 1 PM to 12 AM all I did was eat and play Videogames all day. I played Dragon Age: Origins and I was trying to figure out how to get this B**** named Jarvia or something so that I could kill her. I spent 3 nonstop hours to figure how to get to her. Then i had an Idea, I stopped playing the game and played Red Dead Redemption. Throughout the Day i thought 4 is gonna stay at my house but I forgot to call him to come by.
Day 21:
Today I might do all of the Followings:
- Eat
- Learn Japanese Through Pimsleur
- Eat
- Watch Anime or TV
- Take a Dump
- Go to a place so that I can finally take the Driving test so that I can drive.
- go home and Eat O_O
- Draw or Practice making Manga
- Put henna tattoos on mi self
- Eat
- Go to the back and exercise with 4
- Play Dance central with 4
- make 4 go home
- Eat while taking a Dump
- Take a Shower
- Watch P***
- Sleep
- Eat
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Day 16 and 17
Even Though it's Sunday and it's supposedly my freeday, I have to put the things I did for Friday and Saturday. It's not my fault that i posted it late, it's because I got Anime Night and I can't back away from that, and I have responsibilities in the Household. Anyway's I'll try to keep it short.
Nothing Happened in school only the fact that I got an Award for being a badass in Fashion Design, or sewing/knitting/embroidery class, and joyfully got the award even though I'm a guy and most people will think that I'm gay for taking the class and stupid because I did this in front of everybody:
Took me a while to get the picture but I got it, thank you google.
After school, we went to the middle school, Best Friends 1,2,3,4,5 and me, so that we could help 6 pack up his stuff because it was the last of school and he has to get all of his Belongings from school to his apartment. In case y'all didn't know, He is a teacher and yes we are all best friends, got a problem go tell your mother. After we helped him get his stuff together he took 2,4, and I to my house where we spend anime night. We called 5 to go there because 5 and 3 had some business to take care of so they went to my house late. A few minutes later 1 came to my house unexpectedly, he went to his job so he skipped out on helping 6, and we went jogging or Parkouring around the town for a while and rested on the football field. At 10 PM, we ended our night by watching Avatar: The Legend of Korra episodes 5,6, and 7.
Then I went to Sleep.
Yesterday was the Graduation for the seniors but it was all ruined because of a 30 minute typhoon. 5 and 3 were at the graduation so they got wet, except for 3 his shoes were wet and as for 5 he took an outside shower. At 11 PM, we were all invited to a graduation party for 2 seniors that my family are really acquainted with so we went and had a good time, I went because I was hungry and there wasn't anything good in the house for me to eat. We stayed up until 2 AM because that was time where the children lost all their ability to move, meaning they were sleeping they were not dead. I went home and played some Tekken because I love that game until 3 AM and I was like "OH, S***" then i Jumped on my bed, got all ten of my pillows hugging me, and slept like a MAN!
Sorry that I kept it short, but nothing really happened that was interesting or it's because I forgot most of the retarded things I do.
Much Love (O_O)Y
Nothing Happened in school only the fact that I got an Award for being a badass in Fashion Design, or sewing/knitting/embroidery class, and joyfully got the award even though I'm a guy and most people will think that I'm gay for taking the class and stupid because I did this in front of everybody:
Took me a while to get the picture but I got it, thank you google.
After school, we went to the middle school, Best Friends 1,2,3,4,5 and me, so that we could help 6 pack up his stuff because it was the last of school and he has to get all of his Belongings from school to his apartment. In case y'all didn't know, He is a teacher and yes we are all best friends, got a problem go tell your mother. After we helped him get his stuff together he took 2,4, and I to my house where we spend anime night. We called 5 to go there because 5 and 3 had some business to take care of so they went to my house late. A few minutes later 1 came to my house unexpectedly, he went to his job so he skipped out on helping 6, and we went jogging or Parkouring around the town for a while and rested on the football field. At 10 PM, we ended our night by watching Avatar: The Legend of Korra episodes 5,6, and 7.
Then I went to Sleep.
Yesterday was the Graduation for the seniors but it was all ruined because of a 30 minute typhoon. 5 and 3 were at the graduation so they got wet, except for 3 his shoes were wet and as for 5 he took an outside shower. At 11 PM, we were all invited to a graduation party for 2 seniors that my family are really acquainted with so we went and had a good time, I went because I was hungry and there wasn't anything good in the house for me to eat. We stayed up until 2 AM because that was time where the children lost all their ability to move, meaning they were sleeping they were not dead. I went home and played some Tekken because I love that game until 3 AM and I was like "OH, S***" then i Jumped on my bed, got all ten of my pillows hugging me, and slept like a MAN!
Sorry that I kept it short, but nothing really happened that was interesting or it's because I forgot most of the retarded things I do.
Much Love (O_O)Y
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Day 14 and 15
Well since my friends and I are tired of waiting for the last days of High School, our bodies are likes tin cans that are being dragged by a wedding car and our summer is almost at the gates of Solitude, I'm not talking about Skyrim here, and meet one another for the coming of our Senior year. I don't really get excited about this kind of stuff because there will be a lot of crying next year and I'll make sure to tell Y'all all about it. Well for the readers and myself. For you people that don't know at all, I used this blog as a Journal to record my life and try to remembered some of the S*** i do.
I don't really remember everything that I did on Wednesday or yesterday to Ima skip to the part that I remembered. After School, at the Middle School, Club, I came to my "Club Meeting" an hour late because I was with 1 after school. The School let us free at 2:35 PM instead of 4:00 PM, so the Highschoolers have to wait until four because the Middle School lets out their kids at 4 PM because we, High School People, have no reason to be in the last week of school and were special, not Special ED and If anybody that said Special ED "You should be ashamed of yourselves" :C.... So I walked with 1 to his house and stayed there for an hour, he was playing Final Fantasy 13^2 while i was downloading stuff and watching him play and spoiling the story for myself. At around 3:50 PM we set along to the wild heat strokes and the unbearable summer light of the Senior Sun. 1 took me to the Middle School because he is good best friend even though he sometimes irritates me but that's just my horrible ego telling me that he is an ASS, and so he took his time to take me to my club that he was once in and helped me get there instead of letting me die in the street of heat stroke. HEAT STROKE? I wear a Jacket in the summer because it's cold inside of perfectly cold buildings.
In the Club, Best Friend #6 said wassup to me while i saw 3,4,5, and Ka~ren. I'll tell y'all about Karen later. So 6 asks me for 5 dollars because He was gonna buy pizza for the club because it was the last "Club Meeting" until the next year. 6 runs the whole Gaming Club and he is responsible for everything that happens there, in return for his generosity and kindness we try to behave ourselves. Karen in the other hand is a short girl that names herself a gamer, he is kinda like one of the guys except for being manhandled by 2 all the time. Karen molests me from time-to-time like smacking my ass and pushing me to the corner, beats me senseless, and rapes me in the corner. I know tough life huh? I'm just joking, but she does smack my ass. It's either that or she is just trying to steal my wallet away from me. A half an Hour or so later, 3, 6's wife, and I went to a pizza run and got some fake sodas and the 7 pizza boxes that we ordered. when we arrived, I thought I was gonna get raped by middle schoolers because i was the one holding all 7 boxes. And that's is how I spent my Wednesday, eating pizza and drinking fake soda, and Playing videogames. Some people call it a lifestyle but I call it being a fat ass, just so you know I'm fat.
It was time for us to leave at 2:35 again and 1,3,4,5 and.......................Karen................ went to 1's house again to spen some quality time together as friend and equals. Almost forgot, 1's birthday is at May 28th in Monday, so if any of y'all want to greet him, just comment and Ill tell him for y'all. What's will my gift to him you ask? I already settled it with him by Giving away one of my waifu's to him that we have been fighting over for a week, which was Lightning for Final Fantasy 13. I such a nice friend, giving away one of my precious wives to my Best friend. Rule # 1 in waifu takings: you can only get one waifu from each series of an anime. If any of y'all knows Nanasaki Ai from Amagami SS, She's mine so Back The F*** Up. O_O
Okay during in 1's house, we talked, had fun together, had some laughs, ate, much more. We're like a theme park when were together and.............Karen.............. and the joy that we have can only last until one of us get home then everybody else is either sad or not. I was the First one who left but they were still having fun without me, Some friends they are right. But who cares!!! as long as you're alive and kicking it nobody can stop you. Karen is the Nickname i Gave to......Karen........ so Karen is not the person's real name It's Maria Sosia Mussulini Fernanda Bolifia Jenni Consuila Encarnatiation Dominquez is her real name, Joking.
3 hours and half later, 3 and 4 went to knock at my door to mess with me but all they were doing was making my tired self get up and make my broken legs straiten up to go to the front door so that I could say hi but what i got was smack to the face saying "HA!! Sucka!!"
Minutes later, I writing this Blog for yesterday and Today.
That's it. Much Love, Peace (0o0)Y
I don't really remember everything that I did on Wednesday or yesterday to Ima skip to the part that I remembered. After School, at the Middle School, Club, I came to my "Club Meeting" an hour late because I was with 1 after school. The School let us free at 2:35 PM instead of 4:00 PM, so the Highschoolers have to wait until four because the Middle School lets out their kids at 4 PM because we, High School People, have no reason to be in the last week of school and were special, not Special ED and If anybody that said Special ED "You should be ashamed of yourselves" :C.... So I walked with 1 to his house and stayed there for an hour, he was playing Final Fantasy 13^2 while i was downloading stuff and watching him play and spoiling the story for myself. At around 3:50 PM we set along to the wild heat strokes and the unbearable summer light of the Senior Sun. 1 took me to the Middle School because he is good best friend even though he sometimes irritates me but that's just my horrible ego telling me that he is an ASS, and so he took his time to take me to my club that he was once in and helped me get there instead of letting me die in the street of heat stroke. HEAT STROKE? I wear a Jacket in the summer because it's cold inside of perfectly cold buildings.
In the Club, Best Friend #6 said wassup to me while i saw 3,4,5, and Ka~ren. I'll tell y'all about Karen later. So 6 asks me for 5 dollars because He was gonna buy pizza for the club because it was the last "Club Meeting" until the next year. 6 runs the whole Gaming Club and he is responsible for everything that happens there, in return for his generosity and kindness we try to behave ourselves. Karen in the other hand is a short girl that names herself a gamer, he is kinda like one of the guys except for being manhandled by 2 all the time. Karen molests me from time-to-time like smacking my ass and pushing me to the corner, beats me senseless, and rapes me in the corner. I know tough life huh? I'm just joking, but she does smack my ass. It's either that or she is just trying to steal my wallet away from me. A half an Hour or so later, 3, 6's wife, and I went to a pizza run and got some fake sodas and the 7 pizza boxes that we ordered. when we arrived, I thought I was gonna get raped by middle schoolers because i was the one holding all 7 boxes. And that's is how I spent my Wednesday, eating pizza and drinking fake soda, and Playing videogames. Some people call it a lifestyle but I call it being a fat ass, just so you know I'm fat.
It was time for us to leave at 2:35 again and 1,3,4,5 and.......................Karen................ went to 1's house again to spen some quality time together as friend and equals. Almost forgot, 1's birthday is at May 28th in Monday, so if any of y'all want to greet him, just comment and Ill tell him for y'all. What's will my gift to him you ask? I already settled it with him by Giving away one of my waifu's to him that we have been fighting over for a week, which was Lightning for Final Fantasy 13. I such a nice friend, giving away one of my precious wives to my Best friend. Rule # 1 in waifu takings: you can only get one waifu from each series of an anime. If any of y'all knows Nanasaki Ai from Amagami SS, She's mine so Back The F*** Up. O_O
Okay during in 1's house, we talked, had fun together, had some laughs, ate, much more. We're like a theme park when were together and.............Karen.............. and the joy that we have can only last until one of us get home then everybody else is either sad or not. I was the First one who left but they were still having fun without me, Some friends they are right. But who cares!!! as long as you're alive and kicking it nobody can stop you. Karen is the Nickname i Gave to......Karen........ so Karen is not the person's real name It's Maria Sosia Mussulini Fernanda Bolifia Jenni Consuila Encarnatiation Dominquez is her real name, Joking.
3 hours and half later, 3 and 4 went to knock at my door to mess with me but all they were doing was making my tired self get up and make my broken legs straiten up to go to the front door so that I could say hi but what i got was smack to the face saying "HA!! Sucka!!"
Minutes later, I writing this Blog for yesterday and Today.
That's it. Much Love, Peace (0o0)Y
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Day 12 and 13
"What to do with the do so that you could do the do."
Me and M haven't talked to each other for a long time now, so I'm gonna stop the "Conversation with M thing to what happened this morning." Sooooooooo...... Ever since January I've been feeling low and depress because of Me, Myself. Why, you ask? It is Because ever since I took college course, I've been thinking that College is like College Course, where you sit down in desk and work your ass off all day and beg your professors that you deserve much better than a 70 in your average. So,My family and I had a really long discussion this sunday and we settled things because We cool like that. But with the Help of my sister who helped me realized that everything is made for one reason and it is to lead you to the place were you want to stand in the future and all the hardships that you face right now is the only thing that will keep you alive in the future. There is no such thing us luck only the fact that you overcome something that others cannot accomplished by themselves. In a world filled with desires and dreams we have to work our asses off for the benefits that we can get in the future. And that's about it for Monday, I just learned a life lesson and I learned that I can never agree to my older sister or I always talk back her but there is want thing that love about her and it is being able to depend on her.
Today, in school, I did nothing but watch Movies, draw in a notebook, and talked with friends, while others took tests. In my last Class period, My art teacher, the last period was art, asked us if we can clean up the supply room and if we do a good enough job she supplies us with art stuff, like paper, pencils and whatnot.
So after we finish, she gave us some art stuff and we went on with our lives. I got some black paper and White prismacolor pencils, and a bigass ruler, and some cloth. After school, 1, 3, 4, and I went to 1's house to chill for a while and played a little bit of games before he go to his job. I know 1 sounds professional and S*** but he's just gonna waste his hard earned money for videogames and a PS VITA, I'm sure y'all know about that right.
After we were done with chillin, we went to 3's old house/storage/cottage so that we could clean it up and turn it into a club house. It's like a tree house but it's on the ground. While we were cleaning up stuff, we found some "bad" stuff if ya know wat Ima sayin'. So 3 and I were checking on the stuff that were already in Boxes and as we go through it we saw some Mail, but not just ordinary mail, it was mail that has some vulgar stuff in it. You know them Subscription stuff that you get through the mail like Game Informer and stuff like that? It's like that but porn. So I'm seeing some pretty bad stuff deep within the paper and the stuff they show is very eye catching and the positions and products they showed were unbelievable like I don't even know that they could actually do that or use it like that.
After the whole finding the porn stash objective, we found some AMMO, yes that's right. It was for a rifle, like the ones you see in rifles back in Nam'. We found about 300 rifle bullets but we lost one and now we found 299. Then the search for guns and more ammo continued from 5 to 7. at the last minutes, we saw a metal box that says it has some RPG's in it but all we saw was some wrenches and busted up tubes and rusted metal, we were disappointed. I don't know when we're going to come back but There will be a time where I, The Blogger Person, and 3, the Best Friend that Owns the Busted house, will come back in the dusty house to searche some guns and ammo. The house was pretty dusty because it hasn't been cleaned for almost 5 years or so, and I'm a Allergic to Dust so I've been suffocating in there for 2 hours.
Until Next time.
Much Love. Peace
Today, in school, I did nothing but watch Movies, draw in a notebook, and talked with friends, while others took tests. In my last Class period, My art teacher, the last period was art, asked us if we can clean up the supply room and if we do a good enough job she supplies us with art stuff, like paper, pencils and whatnot.
So after we finish, she gave us some art stuff and we went on with our lives. I got some black paper and White prismacolor pencils, and a bigass ruler, and some cloth. After school, 1, 3, 4, and I went to 1's house to chill for a while and played a little bit of games before he go to his job. I know 1 sounds professional and S*** but he's just gonna waste his hard earned money for videogames and a PS VITA, I'm sure y'all know about that right.
After we were done with chillin, we went to 3's old house/storage/cottage so that we could clean it up and turn it into a club house. It's like a tree house but it's on the ground. While we were cleaning up stuff, we found some "bad" stuff if ya know wat Ima sayin'. So 3 and I were checking on the stuff that were already in Boxes and as we go through it we saw some Mail, but not just ordinary mail, it was mail that has some vulgar stuff in it. You know them Subscription stuff that you get through the mail like Game Informer and stuff like that? It's like that but porn. So I'm seeing some pretty bad stuff deep within the paper and the stuff they show is very eye catching and the positions and products they showed were unbelievable like I don't even know that they could actually do that or use it like that.
After the whole finding the porn stash objective, we found some AMMO, yes that's right. It was for a rifle, like the ones you see in rifles back in Nam'. We found about 300 rifle bullets but we lost one and now we found 299. Then the search for guns and more ammo continued from 5 to 7. at the last minutes, we saw a metal box that says it has some RPG's in it but all we saw was some wrenches and busted up tubes and rusted metal, we were disappointed. I don't know when we're going to come back but There will be a time where I, The Blogger Person, and 3, the Best Friend that Owns the Busted house, will come back in the dusty house to searche some guns and ammo. The house was pretty dusty because it hasn't been cleaned for almost 5 years or so, and I'm a Allergic to Dust so I've been suffocating in there for 2 hours.
Until Next time.
Much Love. Peace
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Day 10 and 11
Dear Blogger,
Things have been very busy on friday because our Project for Physics was due on monday and we had to finish it after school. So Me, Best friend #3, and another team member did all that we can do to finish it so that Team Member can finish it all up during the Weekend. I hope He doesn't mess it up XD.
Well there's nothing exciting to talk about yesterday but there is stuff that I can talk about that Irritated me so much. Like I said on the top, We had to finish this house project for Physics and we were really hurrying it up since we had to be finish after school for the Final touches which were the Decorations for the house. The house has to have electricity and lights in them just like a real one, but just lights no electronic stuff, kitchen ware and all that kind of stuff just lights. We barely finished all of it because our stupid school wanted to have a fucking assembly where they talk about the consequences of doing drugs, selling drugs, joining drug dealers, and S*** like that so that we would have a clean life. I almost died because of the repetitive shit that they keep telling us, we already what we have to do and not do and it's really pissing me off that they keep reminding us about these, which we already know, instead of letting us go to our classes where we could learn and suck in more knowledge for college and finish up some work, like the Project! I got a total of 17 in my ACT's and they give some life lesson that I don't need. I don't sell drugs or shove them up my nose, I'm just an innocent guy that wants to be better than that.
After School:
We went to the Middle School to go to our club, where we play videogames and entertain our boring lives from the hypocrites and bastards in our town, to enjoy our time for 2hours and a half. I set up my PS3 in the club to play soul calibur and defeated everybody like a boss, but some say I'm cheap. I am! But do you why? It is because the CPU, I don't play online because my internet is too slow, is also cheap. SO basically I call the CPU my master and I learn it's ways of being Cheap. I Quote "Cheap Is The Way, Cuz the Right way is...." let's live at that for while.
After the Club:
As soon as i got home, I quickly change into my home clothes while still wearing my black shirt that wore from school, Because It's Black Friday (it's not a holiday or the end of thanksgiving, its a tradition that I made up since Middle school because i wore black every friday even though I'm not suppose to.) its where my friends I wear black every friday and a few people follow, and some people just wear black that day. Okay back to "Anime Night" (again. This a tradition that I created because Best Friend # 3 and # 4 wanted to go to my house all the time, so I set up a day where I let them go to my house because every day is too much for me and my parents will think that I spend too much time with them instead of my family) Okay, back to the subject, So Me, Best Friend #4 and # 5, 5 is an occasional goer, went to the Foot ball field to jog, but my dad stopped me so that i could finish up my family's messes because my mother doesn't do S*** in the house. I finished all the Chores and told my people that we are going to Field and then we did. Times past, Me and Best Friend # 4 had circled around the Track circle thing for 4 times then we see best friend # 3 with Best Friend # 5. (okay since I'm tired of Putting "Best Friend" I'm just gonna used the #) 4 and I circled more laps and force our lifeless bodies to the benches because we were tired. minutes later, we saw 1 running to join us. After that, we talked about who we liked and crushes, as for me I didn't like anybody because all the girls in the school aren't my type. There are some that I wanna bone, but you know, that isn't love, it's pleasure, but I wanna feel Pleasure.
In my House, me and my pals ate and after we ate we went inside my room. 5 and I played a video game while 4 and 1 searched through the internet. 1 asked me about this model whether I should bang the model or not. And I was like "sure why not", because the model was hot and Japanese which i like. Then he yells that the model is a Man!!! I know, I know, the model is Japanese and Japanese are sometimes weirdos. The model looks like a stunning young woman and HE'S pretty cute for a guy (PUKING!!!) UGH!! just writing that makes my spines hurt. Okay, He keeps yelling at me like it was his job and I just told him "Why are you telling me this and Why are you watching does things?" Sometimes I doubt whether he's bisexual, because 1 likes Gender Bender where a guy or woman changes or turns into the opposite sex, and his wall paper for his laptop is a male character in his girl form. So take a guess. So my friends and and I told him, "Okay you shouldn't have told us that and you shouldn't have known that. You can still fantasize about him without knowing his real gender and you could have jacked off to him still. We know it sounds wrong but still, don't show us a hot and sexy looking woman that turns out to be a guy." If y'all saw this pictures, y'all would think that he was she so don't be hating.
And so Friday ends.
It was a long day but yeah, nothing happened much. Just stayed in my house for the whole day in saturday. Played videogames, watched anime, and watch TV. the normal thing that I do. Sooooo....Yup, nothing happened, it was just peaceful and calm day for me. The only interesting that happened today is telling my dad to shave my perfect hair and he did. I still have tiny bits of hair left but yeah, I look bald.
Thank you berry much, hope y'all read so more in the future. I don't know if anybody noticed but, I posted this on Saturday so that means Sunday means no blog thingy. I'm skip Sundays and it also means that I skip a day. See ya :P
Things have been very busy on friday because our Project for Physics was due on monday and we had to finish it after school. So Me, Best friend #3, and another team member did all that we can do to finish it so that Team Member can finish it all up during the Weekend. I hope He doesn't mess it up XD.
Well there's nothing exciting to talk about yesterday but there is stuff that I can talk about that Irritated me so much. Like I said on the top, We had to finish this house project for Physics and we were really hurrying it up since we had to be finish after school for the Final touches which were the Decorations for the house. The house has to have electricity and lights in them just like a real one, but just lights no electronic stuff, kitchen ware and all that kind of stuff just lights. We barely finished all of it because our stupid school wanted to have a fucking assembly where they talk about the consequences of doing drugs, selling drugs, joining drug dealers, and S*** like that so that we would have a clean life. I almost died because of the repetitive shit that they keep telling us, we already what we have to do and not do and it's really pissing me off that they keep reminding us about these, which we already know, instead of letting us go to our classes where we could learn and suck in more knowledge for college and finish up some work, like the Project! I got a total of 17 in my ACT's and they give some life lesson that I don't need. I don't sell drugs or shove them up my nose, I'm just an innocent guy that wants to be better than that.
After School:
We went to the Middle School to go to our club, where we play videogames and entertain our boring lives from the hypocrites and bastards in our town, to enjoy our time for 2hours and a half. I set up my PS3 in the club to play soul calibur and defeated everybody like a boss, but some say I'm cheap. I am! But do you why? It is because the CPU, I don't play online because my internet is too slow, is also cheap. SO basically I call the CPU my master and I learn it's ways of being Cheap. I Quote "Cheap Is The Way, Cuz the Right way is...." let's live at that for while.
After the Club:
As soon as i got home, I quickly change into my home clothes while still wearing my black shirt that wore from school, Because It's Black Friday (it's not a holiday or the end of thanksgiving, its a tradition that I made up since Middle school because i wore black every friday even though I'm not suppose to.) its where my friends I wear black every friday and a few people follow, and some people just wear black that day. Okay back to "Anime Night" (again. This a tradition that I created because Best Friend # 3 and # 4 wanted to go to my house all the time, so I set up a day where I let them go to my house because every day is too much for me and my parents will think that I spend too much time with them instead of my family) Okay, back to the subject, So Me, Best Friend #4 and # 5, 5 is an occasional goer, went to the Foot ball field to jog, but my dad stopped me so that i could finish up my family's messes because my mother doesn't do S*** in the house. I finished all the Chores and told my people that we are going to Field and then we did. Times past, Me and Best Friend # 4 had circled around the Track circle thing for 4 times then we see best friend # 3 with Best Friend # 5. (okay since I'm tired of Putting "Best Friend" I'm just gonna used the #) 4 and I circled more laps and force our lifeless bodies to the benches because we were tired. minutes later, we saw 1 running to join us. After that, we talked about who we liked and crushes, as for me I didn't like anybody because all the girls in the school aren't my type. There are some that I wanna bone, but you know, that isn't love, it's pleasure, but I wanna feel Pleasure.
In my House, me and my pals ate and after we ate we went inside my room. 5 and I played a video game while 4 and 1 searched through the internet. 1 asked me about this model whether I should bang the model or not. And I was like "sure why not", because the model was hot and Japanese which i like. Then he yells that the model is a Man!!! I know, I know, the model is Japanese and Japanese are sometimes weirdos. The model looks like a stunning young woman and HE'S pretty cute for a guy (PUKING!!!) UGH!! just writing that makes my spines hurt. Okay, He keeps yelling at me like it was his job and I just told him "Why are you telling me this and Why are you watching does things?" Sometimes I doubt whether he's bisexual, because 1 likes Gender Bender where a guy or woman changes or turns into the opposite sex, and his wall paper for his laptop is a male character in his girl form. So take a guess. So my friends and and I told him, "Okay you shouldn't have told us that and you shouldn't have known that. You can still fantasize about him without knowing his real gender and you could have jacked off to him still. We know it sounds wrong but still, don't show us a hot and sexy looking woman that turns out to be a guy." If y'all saw this pictures, y'all would think that he was she so don't be hating.
And so Friday ends.
It was a long day but yeah, nothing happened much. Just stayed in my house for the whole day in saturday. Played videogames, watched anime, and watch TV. the normal thing that I do. Sooooo....Yup, nothing happened, it was just peaceful and calm day for me. The only interesting that happened today is telling my dad to shave my perfect hair and he did. I still have tiny bits of hair left but yeah, I look bald.
Thank you berry much, hope y'all read so more in the future. I don't know if anybody noticed but, I posted this on Saturday so that means Sunday means no blog thingy. I'm skip Sundays and it also means that I skip a day. See ya :P
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Day 9 - Feeling
How I sleep in the Bathroom
How I sleep during an Assembly
How I sleep while Fighting Crime
What my friends do to me while I sleep
How I feel before
Day 9
*Sigh*....... Well It has been 9 days but nobody has commented on anything that i posted, I guess I'm not that Important in the world. Did Y'all know that whenever a bunny rabbit like Bugs Bunny gets lonely, They Die. *Sigh*
Well today has been great so far I feel freedom ever since i got out of this class that gives us the college experience in an online class. However this pain in the Ass of a class is only good for college practice, I think it's the Piece of S*** of the century but also good for the younger generation because it might help some of us. I call it college course but some might call it Online classes or college something, forgot what it was. Well today, since i finished and passed all my college course S***, we were sent by our college person instructor to the library where we spend most of our time looking at a wall. As for me, I looked at the Comic books and was thinking of reading Watchmen since the Movie was Badass. Instead I read this book called "Anya's Ghost" which I thought was Pretty Awesome but it wasn't original because most people might actually come up with the Same concept of what the story was about. The story is About being friends with a Ghost and S*** got serious, and that's the summary, there isn't much to say because i might spoil everything.
Conversations with M:
Well today, and the same as the past days, I keep forgetting what M and I talked about in the mornings now maybe it is because I'm too focused on what I'm gonna do in the summer.
Well, since everyday I only talk to M every 7:20 AM to 7:45, at around 7:39 my two best friends greet me with a douchy/douchey/doushi/doujinshi (Sorry, don't know how to spell the Adjective of the Douche, I don't even know if I'm spelling douche right) good morning by sitting in a table near where the table that I was sitting at and told me to come over to the table. I know that sounds simple and calm to Y'all but it's not. First of all, I see my two best friends walking into the Cafeterium (Cafeteria + Auditorium) smiling like the friends they are, and they see me looking at them. Then, every single day, this Best Friend of mine always challenges me in many different ways, like who is the better person from the both of us, I think that is his thang', Ya Knaw wat i'ma sayin'. So he told my Other best friend to stop and sit at the table that was next to mine, and make me come over to them so that I wouldn't feel superior to them or to make me feel weak. I just looked at them and thought to myself that they should get a life and get girlfriends and stop acting like douches. Since It was already 7:45, I went over there With my laptop and started my anime mornings.
Anime Mornings:
Yesterday I didn't get to finish my anime so i started that then after it finished I played an episode of "Sankarea" the Zombie Gurl. Halfway through the episode, my laptop shut off on me again and pissed me off even more, just like yesterday. I was planning of buying a new battery but i don't have transportation and the nearest trusted and good electronics stores is 4 hours away. Well, what you gotta do, I live in the F****** middle of nowhere where not even asians would live in, Except for Pilipinos, Asian population in the Town 3% of pilipinos and 1% other asians.
After the laptop shuts down, I told my friends that I wusn't abley to go to the Camping trip where Me and my two Best friends survive in the wilderness for day's. So Best friend #2, the one that was told to sat down with Best Friend #1, told me that i was a P**** so I was like "Betch! I was the one who ask everybody if they want to train in the Mountains, so why are you taking all the credit." so he said " Its because I'm the Mastemind of the whole thing," it kinda pissed me of a little bit even though he is kinda true. Reason: I want to go to the mountains so that i could train my body and mind because of 9 months of pure torture in school and just wanted clear everything away. The reason that i want him along was because i want him to be cleansed because this best friend can be very violent when he is angry and I'm the only one man enough to hold him down and protect the other ones from getting fatal injuries. They all get scared when they get angry, so for being a good friend I want him to go to the mountains so that his friends wouldn't be scared of him because he could control his emotions and understanding a little bit better, and I want him there so that he could get us food for dinner. Then Best Friend #1 pisses me off by stealing My waifu, ( A wife from an anime or game) Lightning from Final Fantasy XIII, even though we agreed to each other that we should wait for a galge (a game where you can hit on women and get them to love you, basically a game of skill in love or a Dating Sim) for her to decide who is better. So I didn't really care what he says, he just needs to shut up about it.
For the people that think that Loving a person that is real or doesn't exist is wrong, you are also wrong. You know why? It is because replacing a real person with a non-existent one is beneficial for us for both mind and body. In the real world you wouldn't go up to chick that you like and say "I Love You" you would just get hurt but if you imagine that you confessed to this Non-existent one you would get responded by a yes. For me replacing real people with the anime girls I like is beneficial because I don't have to suffer the teenage drama, I could wait until college, I know that somebody loves (other than my parents), and I won't have to cut myself in the corner and telling my self that why am i fat and not perfect.
Exercise of the Day XD :
Well today, I got chased by 3 white devils. First was Best Friend # 3, My first best friend that I have ever since I moved into town and this little gurl that has been beating me ever since i can remember. They me chased me out of the school because I took the little Gurl's camera because they took my picture without permission. I was scared that they will put me in a Porn website and do bad stuff with it. So I took and before i knew it it was already in my Hands and all that came through my mind was "PARKOUR!!!" Then the Mortal Kombat song sang in my head. They gang banged me as soon as i got tired, I managed to dodge them a little bit and they pinned me down to the wall, and i Said "I'm not ready for a Threesome~~!!" Second, Best Friend # 2 who chased me for 2 straight minutes outside the school because I wanted to go travelling outside or take a walk. Sooo~~~, He chased me bacause I ran away from him. He finally caught me when I got tired and when i tried to hide from him he caught me while i was down. Too bad :C
After school:
After school Best Friend # 3 and I went to his Haus to get some stuff for a project but we ended up looking over some cool stuff like a gun, bullets for the gun, and a dead body (I'm kidding about the last part, the first ones are true.) So I was thinking of making the Haus into a hangout for my friends and I so I asked Best Friend # 3 if we can clean it up and hang out in it. He said he'll think about it.
For an hour and thirty minutes, We didn't find S*** for the project, the project is to make a House that is wired with wires to make light bulb go light. Me, Best Friend # 3 and # 4, (# 4 is my best friend that i hang out a lot and is considered as a brother just like # 3, both of them are my brother from different mothers) the three of us finished up what we can to our project and went home to rest.
Thank you for reading it, Hope y'all read more. I think this is the longest one that i have ever written in one hour. and comment please~, I live for these comment it keeps me alive. T_T
Well today has been great so far I feel freedom ever since i got out of this class that gives us the college experience in an online class. However this pain in the Ass of a class is only good for college practice, I think it's the Piece of S*** of the century but also good for the younger generation because it might help some of us. I call it college course but some might call it Online classes or college something, forgot what it was. Well today, since i finished and passed all my college course S***, we were sent by our college person instructor to the library where we spend most of our time looking at a wall. As for me, I looked at the Comic books and was thinking of reading Watchmen since the Movie was Badass. Instead I read this book called "Anya's Ghost" which I thought was Pretty Awesome but it wasn't original because most people might actually come up with the Same concept of what the story was about. The story is About being friends with a Ghost and S*** got serious, and that's the summary, there isn't much to say because i might spoil everything.
Conversations with M:
Well today, and the same as the past days, I keep forgetting what M and I talked about in the mornings now maybe it is because I'm too focused on what I'm gonna do in the summer.
Well, since everyday I only talk to M every 7:20 AM to 7:45, at around 7:39 my two best friends greet me with a douchy/douchey/doushi/doujinshi (Sorry, don't know how to spell the Adjective of the Douche, I don't even know if I'm spelling douche right) good morning by sitting in a table near where the table that I was sitting at and told me to come over to the table. I know that sounds simple and calm to Y'all but it's not. First of all, I see my two best friends walking into the Cafeterium (Cafeteria + Auditorium) smiling like the friends they are, and they see me looking at them. Then, every single day, this Best Friend of mine always challenges me in many different ways, like who is the better person from the both of us, I think that is his thang', Ya Knaw wat i'ma sayin'. So he told my Other best friend to stop and sit at the table that was next to mine, and make me come over to them so that I wouldn't feel superior to them or to make me feel weak. I just looked at them and thought to myself that they should get a life and get girlfriends and stop acting like douches. Since It was already 7:45, I went over there With my laptop and started my anime mornings.
Anime Mornings:
Yesterday I didn't get to finish my anime so i started that then after it finished I played an episode of "Sankarea" the Zombie Gurl. Halfway through the episode, my laptop shut off on me again and pissed me off even more, just like yesterday. I was planning of buying a new battery but i don't have transportation and the nearest trusted and good electronics stores is 4 hours away. Well, what you gotta do, I live in the F****** middle of nowhere where not even asians would live in, Except for Pilipinos, Asian population in the Town 3% of pilipinos and 1% other asians.
After the laptop shuts down, I told my friends that I wusn't abley to go to the Camping trip where Me and my two Best friends survive in the wilderness for day's. So Best friend #2, the one that was told to sat down with Best Friend #1, told me that i was a P**** so I was like "Betch! I was the one who ask everybody if they want to train in the Mountains, so why are you taking all the credit." so he said " Its because I'm the Mastemind of the whole thing," it kinda pissed me of a little bit even though he is kinda true. Reason: I want to go to the mountains so that i could train my body and mind because of 9 months of pure torture in school and just wanted clear everything away. The reason that i want him along was because i want him to be cleansed because this best friend can be very violent when he is angry and I'm the only one man enough to hold him down and protect the other ones from getting fatal injuries. They all get scared when they get angry, so for being a good friend I want him to go to the mountains so that his friends wouldn't be scared of him because he could control his emotions and understanding a little bit better, and I want him there so that he could get us food for dinner. Then Best Friend #1 pisses me off by stealing My waifu, ( A wife from an anime or game) Lightning from Final Fantasy XIII, even though we agreed to each other that we should wait for a galge (a game where you can hit on women and get them to love you, basically a game of skill in love or a Dating Sim) for her to decide who is better. So I didn't really care what he says, he just needs to shut up about it.
For the people that think that Loving a person that is real or doesn't exist is wrong, you are also wrong. You know why? It is because replacing a real person with a non-existent one is beneficial for us for both mind and body. In the real world you wouldn't go up to chick that you like and say "I Love You" you would just get hurt but if you imagine that you confessed to this Non-existent one you would get responded by a yes. For me replacing real people with the anime girls I like is beneficial because I don't have to suffer the teenage drama, I could wait until college, I know that somebody loves (other than my parents), and I won't have to cut myself in the corner and telling my self that why am i fat and not perfect.
Exercise of the Day XD :
Well today, I got chased by 3 white devils. First was Best Friend # 3, My first best friend that I have ever since I moved into town and this little gurl that has been beating me ever since i can remember. They me chased me out of the school because I took the little Gurl's camera because they took my picture without permission. I was scared that they will put me in a Porn website and do bad stuff with it. So I took and before i knew it it was already in my Hands and all that came through my mind was "PARKOUR!!!" Then the Mortal Kombat song sang in my head. They gang banged me as soon as i got tired, I managed to dodge them a little bit and they pinned me down to the wall, and i Said "I'm not ready for a Threesome~~!!" Second, Best Friend # 2 who chased me for 2 straight minutes outside the school because I wanted to go travelling outside or take a walk. Sooo~~~, He chased me bacause I ran away from him. He finally caught me when I got tired and when i tried to hide from him he caught me while i was down. Too bad :C
After school:
After school Best Friend # 3 and I went to his Haus to get some stuff for a project but we ended up looking over some cool stuff like a gun, bullets for the gun, and a dead body (I'm kidding about the last part, the first ones are true.) So I was thinking of making the Haus into a hangout for my friends and I so I asked Best Friend # 3 if we can clean it up and hang out in it. He said he'll think about it.
For an hour and thirty minutes, We didn't find S*** for the project, the project is to make a House that is wired with wires to make light bulb go light. Me, Best Friend # 3 and # 4, (# 4 is my best friend that i hang out a lot and is considered as a brother just like # 3, both of them are my brother from different mothers) the three of us finished up what we can to our project and went home to rest.
Thank you for reading it, Hope y'all read more. I think this is the longest one that i have ever written in one hour. and comment please~, I live for these comment it keeps me alive. T_T
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Day 8
Its been a week since i started this whole blog thing and I have to say that I haven't wrote so many things about my life. Usually I wouldn't even try to keep this thing going because I'm too lazy to do stuff, even standing up is a challenge.
Conversation's with M:
Totally forgot about them. :B
Anime Morning's:
Today's anime Is Kore Wa Zobie Desu Ka again but we didn't get to finish the Episode. My Laptop has been a pain in the ass because of it's battery. The battery is already broken, not completely, and the battery limit has dropped down to about 30 minutes and it's really tempting me to buy a new battery. However, they cost like 80 bucks in this store that i have no relations with. Now, back to the anime, The anime stop at the last minutes of the episode where this weird "Tanuki," a racoon dog, was asking what bra size do this highschool girls where wearing and his partner, a big perverted gorilla, is saying "that really turns me on." Well that's anime for you, it will always be weird and interesting until the day we die.
After School:
I went to my Old muddle school because it was about 2 or 3 miles away from the High school that i go to, to go to my old Club that i have been visiting for almost 3 years and had a really good time over there. We were playing Soul Calibur V and it was freaking awesome because I defeated all the fools that I went up against and my signature move is called the "Hadoukin!!" which pretty much every move that I made. I really like fighting games and none of the people in the Club never actually plays that much fighting games because they are all into first person shooters which I don't get why, I prefer Third person because you can do a lot more than just run, shoot, and throw a grenade.
Today, I have been watching anime that explains a lot about guns and how to handle them and the more i learn about these gun users the more i feel weak because they are better than me in shooting. My dream is to be a bodyguard for a Mafioso or something like that (kidding). Everytime I see people doing the same things i do and they do it better, I feel like not doing it anymore because I feel that since he is better than me, I should just let him do it and I sit down and watch you do it. I gotta change this attitude so that i can better myself and all the right ways.
Hope you keep reading.
Conversation's with M:
Totally forgot about them. :B
Anime Morning's:
Today's anime Is Kore Wa Zobie Desu Ka again but we didn't get to finish the Episode. My Laptop has been a pain in the ass because of it's battery. The battery is already broken, not completely, and the battery limit has dropped down to about 30 minutes and it's really tempting me to buy a new battery. However, they cost like 80 bucks in this store that i have no relations with. Now, back to the anime, The anime stop at the last minutes of the episode where this weird "Tanuki," a racoon dog, was asking what bra size do this highschool girls where wearing and his partner, a big perverted gorilla, is saying "that really turns me on." Well that's anime for you, it will always be weird and interesting until the day we die.
After School:
I went to my Old muddle school because it was about 2 or 3 miles away from the High school that i go to, to go to my old Club that i have been visiting for almost 3 years and had a really good time over there. We were playing Soul Calibur V and it was freaking awesome because I defeated all the fools that I went up against and my signature move is called the "Hadoukin!!" which pretty much every move that I made. I really like fighting games and none of the people in the Club never actually plays that much fighting games because they are all into first person shooters which I don't get why, I prefer Third person because you can do a lot more than just run, shoot, and throw a grenade.
Today, I have been watching anime that explains a lot about guns and how to handle them and the more i learn about these gun users the more i feel weak because they are better than me in shooting. My dream is to be a bodyguard for a Mafioso or something like that (kidding). Everytime I see people doing the same things i do and they do it better, I feel like not doing it anymore because I feel that since he is better than me, I should just let him do it and I sit down and watch you do it. I gotta change this attitude so that i can better myself and all the right ways.
Hope you keep reading.
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Day 7
May the 15th. quince de mayo. *Sigh*
Well nothing special happened, i was supposed to Jog but my body didn't wanna move because i took a nap and it made kinda lazy. Today was rather boring, No anime, I forgot what i talked about with M, and tried to make my life interesting by cutting my wrist, I'm joking about the last part. After school, I went home and did nothing in particular and during my time in the house, I just made my baby brother sleep, that's why i took a nap, and did some chores in the house. At around 9 30 or so, My female family watched glee because they recorded it and my dad was taking care of my awake baby brother in their room. I think it was the last of Glee and every body was happy and what not, well that's not the important part. First I was like "Yay!! happy people," then I saw Two of the Hottest girls kissing and i was astonished that they would actually show this on TV. But who cares, I saw a lesbian scene in TV. Then My fun ended when i saw two guys kissing.
Well that's my interesting day for the 7th day blog thingy. Nothing Special. Have a good life.
Well nothing special happened, i was supposed to Jog but my body didn't wanna move because i took a nap and it made kinda lazy. Today was rather boring, No anime, I forgot what i talked about with M, and tried to make my life interesting by cutting my wrist, I'm joking about the last part. After school, I went home and did nothing in particular and during my time in the house, I just made my baby brother sleep, that's why i took a nap, and did some chores in the house. At around 9 30 or so, My female family watched glee because they recorded it and my dad was taking care of my awake baby brother in their room. I think it was the last of Glee and every body was happy and what not, well that's not the important part. First I was like "Yay!! happy people," then I saw Two of the Hottest girls kissing and i was astonished that they would actually show this on TV. But who cares, I saw a lesbian scene in TV. Then My fun ended when i saw two guys kissing.
Well that's my interesting day for the 7th day blog thingy. Nothing Special. Have a good life.
Monday, May 14, 2012
Day 6
Monday, Worst day of all the weeks for teenagers and sometimes adults only if they hate their jobs, if not good for them. Today was quick and nothing went wrong, not yet. So, Today was normal, nobody in my town died and everybody else didn't care much about the world around them. No Day 5 because I skipped it.
Conversation with M:
Well today she wasn't there and I just sat in the table alone to where we always talk and the place where I have my first part of conversations with friends and then I go to my best friends and sit with them and watched anime. Don't know why M wasn't there but all I know that my morning routine is not messed up, it's messed up only if I can't watch my anime and I b**** about it all day.
Today we finally got rain and not just any rain. First it was a big ass sandstorm just like the freaking Dust Bowl, second it start spraying sprinkles of water, then it started dropping down BB sized hail, then God was happy and gave us a smile of Sunshine. During the Rain/Hail storm, i went outside with my umbrella and felt the cold water against my feet and screaming like a retard even though i know what i was doing. The wind was really strong and I was being pushed then for 30 seconds or so i went back inside the house dripping wet. My room is full of dust and dirt now and the worst part is that I'm allergic to dust and it a pain in the ass. Sometimes life is just something we could look at but sometimes we just have to live it.
Anime Mornings:
Today's anime is Called "Medaka Box" and there is no English version because it is already in English. Medaka is the Main Heroine's name and she is the President of the Student Council and her Box resembles her Email address so that the Students could ask her or her assistants a favor to fulfill their highschool life without any regrets. I wish we have this President thing in School so that the presidents could have better scholarships and their fellow council members could have the same.
Our Lives aren't gonna be interesting if all of us act smart and say no all the time because in order to live life as it is you have to think like an idiot to become smarter. If you don't get What I mean, here's an example: If one says "I gonna be an engineer so that i could be Iron Man or create a portal to the Anime World" it is considered the impossible and stupid to some people's ears but when you think about, Are yours any different? Do you want to be a game designer, even though you suck at making up ideas and your Creativeness, drawings, and technological skills suck?
Do you want to be a Doctor, even though you are 2 feet shorter than the table?
Do you want to be a computer programmer/ technician/ engineer, even though you have too much viruses in your laptop because of all the porno that you stashed up in your Computer?
Or do you want to be greatest teacher in the world, even though you are Bad with children?
These are dreams that some people have kept inside their heart for many years and as for myself, I don't even know what I'm gonna be and I'm gonna be a senior in highschool in September. There are many choices in life and you have to take note that you should never settle for one. If you wanna be Iron Man, become one, if you wanna a Writer, go write in your notebook or make a blog, if you wanna be a Patriot, go join the army and die. Whatever you do, you should never forget that one dream that you have kept inside you, or else you will regret it forever and become a lonely bum in the street or for the women, a housewife that lives in the ghetto and push around by your ghetto husband. Never make mistakes, that is what life's asking for.
Conversation with M:
Well today she wasn't there and I just sat in the table alone to where we always talk and the place where I have my first part of conversations with friends and then I go to my best friends and sit with them and watched anime. Don't know why M wasn't there but all I know that my morning routine is not messed up, it's messed up only if I can't watch my anime and I b**** about it all day.
Today we finally got rain and not just any rain. First it was a big ass sandstorm just like the freaking Dust Bowl, second it start spraying sprinkles of water, then it started dropping down BB sized hail, then God was happy and gave us a smile of Sunshine. During the Rain/Hail storm, i went outside with my umbrella and felt the cold water against my feet and screaming like a retard even though i know what i was doing. The wind was really strong and I was being pushed then for 30 seconds or so i went back inside the house dripping wet. My room is full of dust and dirt now and the worst part is that I'm allergic to dust and it a pain in the ass. Sometimes life is just something we could look at but sometimes we just have to live it.
Anime Mornings:
Today's anime is Called "Medaka Box" and there is no English version because it is already in English. Medaka is the Main Heroine's name and she is the President of the Student Council and her Box resembles her Email address so that the Students could ask her or her assistants a favor to fulfill their highschool life without any regrets. I wish we have this President thing in School so that the presidents could have better scholarships and their fellow council members could have the same.
Our Lives aren't gonna be interesting if all of us act smart and say no all the time because in order to live life as it is you have to think like an idiot to become smarter. If you don't get What I mean, here's an example: If one says "I gonna be an engineer so that i could be Iron Man or create a portal to the Anime World" it is considered the impossible and stupid to some people's ears but when you think about, Are yours any different? Do you want to be a game designer, even though you suck at making up ideas and your Creativeness, drawings, and technological skills suck?
Do you want to be a Doctor, even though you are 2 feet shorter than the table?
Do you want to be a computer programmer/ technician/ engineer, even though you have too much viruses in your laptop because of all the porno that you stashed up in your Computer?
Or do you want to be greatest teacher in the world, even though you are Bad with children?
These are dreams that some people have kept inside their heart for many years and as for myself, I don't even know what I'm gonna be and I'm gonna be a senior in highschool in September. There are many choices in life and you have to take note that you should never settle for one. If you wanna be Iron Man, become one, if you wanna a Writer, go write in your notebook or make a blog, if you wanna be a Patriot, go join the army and die. Whatever you do, you should never forget that one dream that you have kept inside you, or else you will regret it forever and become a lonely bum in the street or for the women, a housewife that lives in the ghetto and push around by your ghetto husband. Never make mistakes, that is what life's asking for.
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Day 4
Prom day was today and today is very tiring. I just got back from the prom thingy and it is unexpected. I thought that it would be awesome, exciting, and fun, but it was kinda frustrating, boring, and weird. Don't get me wrong, I just thought that prom would be more interesting like having programs, activities and what not, but it was just dancing, music, food, taking pictures, and more dancing. I was one of the people that put it all together but i didn't expect it to be very boring. I'm not disappointed though, being there with my friends is the only good part of the whole prom.
I've seen many things in my life now because a lot of people were dressed up as whores, pimps, businessmen/women, and some I can't even express. During my time in prom, I dance like a complete retard, i ate some food that will eventually turn into protein or fat, and most of the time I took pictures with friends and had a really good time taking all 20 pictures. The only bad part was seeing the girl i asked out even though she told everyone that she wasn't going and of course she was with somebody, the guy wasn't a douchebag, he was one of my acquaintances and he really is a nice guy. Can't blame her. I guess he asked her out first and didn't want anybody to find out, everybody has a reason and they can only keep it to themselves. I not sad or anything because its good to see a person having a good time with a pretty women to take rest with their complicated life and some things are meant to have, Good or Not it's just LIFE.
After prom, My two companions and I went home at 12 AM and my father was the one who picked us up. Before we got home, my dad wanted to check if there was somebody at his school because he saw that the lights were and suspected that there might be somebody lurking around. As he stopped, a cop stopped us and talked to my dad telling him if he, The douchebag of cop he is, can talk to my sister. Reason why he wanted talk to her was because my sister wan't supposed to be in prom but they got permission from the Principal only if they can bring teachers or faculty with them, and so they did. The cops are supposed to be guarding the school and stop anyone who isn't on the list, and they are responsible for everything that is going on in Prom. So this ass keeps pressuring my sister to tell the truth and she told him everything that she know. The cop left to the Principal to ask question if my sister is really telling the truth, which she did, and threatened to charge her for trespassing. When he told that to my sister, i wanted to punch him in the face so bad because I hate the police Force in my town. Why? Because they are all corrupted, except for the newly employed ones. It was there fault that weren't doing a good job, so why must sister pay the price when their stupid asses aren't even doing anything before.
Well "Today" is Sunday so there will be no Blog because Sunday is my free day. For the people that hasn't noticed it yet, I posted this blog at 11 pm Sunday so basically i did a blog for Saturday in Sunday. I was tired yesterday so i posted it tonight. Happy life.
I've seen many things in my life now because a lot of people were dressed up as whores, pimps, businessmen/women, and some I can't even express. During my time in prom, I dance like a complete retard, i ate some food that will eventually turn into protein or fat, and most of the time I took pictures with friends and had a really good time taking all 20 pictures. The only bad part was seeing the girl i asked out even though she told everyone that she wasn't going and of course she was with somebody, the guy wasn't a douchebag, he was one of my acquaintances and he really is a nice guy. Can't blame her. I guess he asked her out first and didn't want anybody to find out, everybody has a reason and they can only keep it to themselves. I not sad or anything because its good to see a person having a good time with a pretty women to take rest with their complicated life and some things are meant to have, Good or Not it's just LIFE.
After prom, My two companions and I went home at 12 AM and my father was the one who picked us up. Before we got home, my dad wanted to check if there was somebody at his school because he saw that the lights were and suspected that there might be somebody lurking around. As he stopped, a cop stopped us and talked to my dad telling him if he, The douchebag of cop he is, can talk to my sister. Reason why he wanted talk to her was because my sister wan't supposed to be in prom but they got permission from the Principal only if they can bring teachers or faculty with them, and so they did. The cops are supposed to be guarding the school and stop anyone who isn't on the list, and they are responsible for everything that is going on in Prom. So this ass keeps pressuring my sister to tell the truth and she told him everything that she know. The cop left to the Principal to ask question if my sister is really telling the truth, which she did, and threatened to charge her for trespassing. When he told that to my sister, i wanted to punch him in the face so bad because I hate the police Force in my town. Why? Because they are all corrupted, except for the newly employed ones. It was there fault that weren't doing a good job, so why must sister pay the price when their stupid asses aren't even doing anything before.
Well "Today" is Sunday so there will be no Blog because Sunday is my free day. For the people that hasn't noticed it yet, I posted this blog at 11 pm Sunday so basically i did a blog for Saturday in Sunday. I was tired yesterday so i posted it tonight. Happy life.
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Day 3
Nothing Really happened today, or yesterday, Because lucky wasn't really a b**** to me. Yesterday? It is because I am posting this blog today even thought i should have posted it yesterday. Today's date is May 12, 2012 and yesterday was the 11th. This post is supposed to be for the 11th but instead i posted it early morning of the 12th. Oh well, I got my reasons. :P
Conversations with M:
Summary of Today:
Since i can't remember most of the events that happened in school I'll just put what i remembered. Breakfast great, Anime is good, Lunch was crappy (It was Crappy pizza), and dinner was funny.
Anime Mornings:
Today's, or yesterday's, anime was called "Sakamichi no Apollon" or Children on the Slope. It is a Drama, Romance, Music (Jazz), slice of life, and many more. It's about highschool kids trying to live who they are and express their feelings through music which is playing Jazz. They also have relationship issues because it is very complicated like Guy 1 likes Woman 1, Woman 1 likes Guy 2, Guy 2 likes Woman 2, Woman 2 likes Guy 3, and Guy 3 likes the Trumpet. The characters animation's is good and they really made it as influential as it could be, since I'm Studying Jazz in a College program for Highschoolers the anime sometimes helps out by reminding me about the Artists. This Anime's Setting is settled in Japan in the 60's and Character animations are weird sometimes because My Friends keep making fun of the Characters (Don't know if I'm Grammatically right) because of their Manlike face, especially the Girls, but there are some that really looks like women, and to me I can't see the difference, women are women, men are men, children will be children.
After school:
Prom is Today and yesterday was the time that we have to help out so that it could be "Fabulous." My friends and I were forced to help even though we have to skip out on our Gaming Club. It pretty hectic at first but it suddenly became smooth as the ocean and good like beef jerky. We gotta do this and that and we have to put this into that hole, I don't know what was going on but everybody got the hang of it and worked with one another like a cell.
In the middle of the job, we asked our teacher if we can go eat at this restaurant near our school and she agreed as long as we come back. In the Chinese Buffet Restaurant, we ate and ate, and kept ate-ing until we got full and talked about what kind of people we are and mostly racist jokes that I didn't really care. While we were eating, this little child was working his ass off for the sake of his parent's restaurant, so after we finished eating, we got 4 - hand fulls of fortune cookies and gave the nice kid a 2 dollar tip. ( If you think that isn't enough, F*** you, we're poor!!) Then we went back to school to finish up the Job.
We spend 3 More hours in the School to keep decorating for Prom and some people that had a little bit time to spare, helped us even for just a little bit i say thank you, but for the other people that went home after 30 minutes of work, i despise them. We ended at 11 pm and after and my best friend with no license took us home and enjoyed a little bit of time left to enjoy each others company. it didn't last long, because it was already late and we all wanted to rest because of the crucial work and the naggers that we have to put up with.
This is it For Today i hope ya'll keep reading and tell me if i should specify the things i say. I used this to practice my grammar and express my feelings.
Conversations with M:
Summary of Today:
Since i can't remember most of the events that happened in school I'll just put what i remembered. Breakfast great, Anime is good, Lunch was crappy (It was Crappy pizza), and dinner was funny.
Anime Mornings:
Today's, or yesterday's, anime was called "Sakamichi no Apollon" or Children on the Slope. It is a Drama, Romance, Music (Jazz), slice of life, and many more. It's about highschool kids trying to live who they are and express their feelings through music which is playing Jazz. They also have relationship issues because it is very complicated like Guy 1 likes Woman 1, Woman 1 likes Guy 2, Guy 2 likes Woman 2, Woman 2 likes Guy 3, and Guy 3 likes the Trumpet. The characters animation's is good and they really made it as influential as it could be, since I'm Studying Jazz in a College program for Highschoolers the anime sometimes helps out by reminding me about the Artists. This Anime's Setting is settled in Japan in the 60's and Character animations are weird sometimes because My Friends keep making fun of the Characters (Don't know if I'm Grammatically right) because of their Manlike face, especially the Girls, but there are some that really looks like women, and to me I can't see the difference, women are women, men are men, children will be children.
After school:
Prom is Today and yesterday was the time that we have to help out so that it could be "Fabulous." My friends and I were forced to help even though we have to skip out on our Gaming Club. It pretty hectic at first but it suddenly became smooth as the ocean and good like beef jerky. We gotta do this and that and we have to put this into that hole, I don't know what was going on but everybody got the hang of it and worked with one another like a cell.
In the middle of the job, we asked our teacher if we can go eat at this restaurant near our school and she agreed as long as we come back. In the Chinese Buffet Restaurant, we ate and ate, and kept ate-ing until we got full and talked about what kind of people we are and mostly racist jokes that I didn't really care. While we were eating, this little child was working his ass off for the sake of his parent's restaurant, so after we finished eating, we got 4 - hand fulls of fortune cookies and gave the nice kid a 2 dollar tip. ( If you think that isn't enough, F*** you, we're poor!!) Then we went back to school to finish up the Job.
We spend 3 More hours in the School to keep decorating for Prom and some people that had a little bit time to spare, helped us even for just a little bit i say thank you, but for the other people that went home after 30 minutes of work, i despise them. We ended at 11 pm and after and my best friend with no license took us home and enjoyed a little bit of time left to enjoy each others company. it didn't last long, because it was already late and we all wanted to rest because of the crucial work and the naggers that we have to put up with.
This is it For Today i hope ya'll keep reading and tell me if i should specify the things i say. I used this to practice my grammar and express my feelings.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Day 2
Today was eye opening and I had no problems with anybody today, especially my friends. Early in the Morning, that rejection was still beating me through my spinal cord and it hurt but i still stood up. It wasn't really a big deal, it was just asking a girl to the prom not confessing to her so i got over it and went with my daily routine. Love is just an item that teenagers use to show that they better than anyone else that is why I'm gonna wait until i Get to college. I just need one more year then I'll be free from the stupid school that i go to.
Conversations with M:
In the morning, i see M talking to the person she despise because this dude is kinda racist, a showoff, and an asshole. When I got there, they were talking about Justin Beiber and how pathetic he is. Then they were talking about the Dude's lisp and how he barely noticed that he has one. a couple minutes later, we went to get breakfast, it was Hotdogs covered in bread, and for some reason they didn't want any, maybe the main reason was that they didn't have any mustard and refused to eat their Breakfast.5 people offered their food to me but i only ate two and gave it to the hungry one. I don't like eating so much because if I feel full already and i keep eating I become puffy like a teddy bear.
Anime Morning:
Today's anime that we watched is called "Sanka Rea" there isn't any English version because the Title is Heroine's name. The story revolves around this Cat looking Guy and this girl that tragically became a zombie because of something that won't be told in this post because you have to watch it yourselves. It was a normal yet funny episode but some parts were erotic which was the funny part in my case because every body turned to us and look what was going on. :D Some people were like What the F*** and some of them thanked me, reason why: Everybody in my school pretty much knows that I show anime for free in the Mornings and they know that I am sometimes a pervert. NOTE: I act like a pervert but never is, cuz being Perverted is bad b(-_^)
Today...... I don't remember having any kinds of mistakes. Yesterday was a day of bad luck but today was just normal. In third period, i told my annoying friend to shut up and listen because he was frustrating me so much and i was supposed to study for the test that i took today, I barely pass, and the teacher Blamed me for not studying. The B**** said "well it's nobody's fault that you didn't study might as well be your fault because you didn't try to study." In my mind I was like "EXCUSE ME!!" The reason why i can't and didn't study was because my notebook was taken away by my Idiot Friend I told her my reason but she just walked out on me. Then i looked at my friend and said, "Okay you F****** a**hole, Because of you i didn't get to study so shut the F*** up and because you Pissed me the F*** off yesterday, I'm not gonna talk to you until we are done this period. For 50 minutes, I didn't talk to him, i would respond to him but not talk to him. Does that make me an asshole like him or am I the only asshole.
Right now i feel great because I feel like i was enlightened by water. It told me that i should release my frustrations and look at the future that i intend to reach out for. In the middle of the day i keep thinking how pathetic I am and how i think people look at me as a person, which a lowlife. So I realized that back when i was still 9th grade i remembered how i deal with people and i remembered that I shouildn't give a F*** about what other people should think of me because they have their own lives to deal with and i have my own and I don't have to F****** care about what they say, just do what i gotta do and go on with my life. RIGHT?? And now i feel refreshed and felt like my life has restarted into a brand new save point.
Today has been pretty tiring for some reason, even though i rest a lot and laze around, i still feel tired, Well this is today Blog thingy and i Hope you keep reading.
PS. If you like posting and your overprotective parents are your friends in Facebook, make a group so that they wouldn't know what you're posting, and make sure to get all of your friends in it. That's what I did but I got out of my group, that I made myself. This is one of the many reasons i started Blogging.
Conversations with M:
In the morning, i see M talking to the person she despise because this dude is kinda racist, a showoff, and an asshole. When I got there, they were talking about Justin Beiber and how pathetic he is. Then they were talking about the Dude's lisp and how he barely noticed that he has one. a couple minutes later, we went to get breakfast, it was Hotdogs covered in bread, and for some reason they didn't want any, maybe the main reason was that they didn't have any mustard and refused to eat their Breakfast.5 people offered their food to me but i only ate two and gave it to the hungry one. I don't like eating so much because if I feel full already and i keep eating I become puffy like a teddy bear.
Anime Morning:
Today's anime that we watched is called "Sanka Rea" there isn't any English version because the Title is Heroine's name. The story revolves around this Cat looking Guy and this girl that tragically became a zombie because of something that won't be told in this post because you have to watch it yourselves. It was a normal yet funny episode but some parts were erotic which was the funny part in my case because every body turned to us and look what was going on. :D Some people were like What the F*** and some of them thanked me, reason why: Everybody in my school pretty much knows that I show anime for free in the Mornings and they know that I am sometimes a pervert. NOTE: I act like a pervert but never is, cuz being Perverted is bad b(-_^)
Today...... I don't remember having any kinds of mistakes. Yesterday was a day of bad luck but today was just normal. In third period, i told my annoying friend to shut up and listen because he was frustrating me so much and i was supposed to study for the test that i took today, I barely pass, and the teacher Blamed me for not studying. The B**** said "well it's nobody's fault that you didn't study might as well be your fault because you didn't try to study." In my mind I was like "EXCUSE ME!!" The reason why i can't and didn't study was because my notebook was taken away by my Idiot Friend I told her my reason but she just walked out on me. Then i looked at my friend and said, "Okay you F****** a**hole, Because of you i didn't get to study so shut the F*** up and because you Pissed me the F*** off yesterday, I'm not gonna talk to you until we are done this period. For 50 minutes, I didn't talk to him, i would respond to him but not talk to him. Does that make me an asshole like him or am I the only asshole.
Right now i feel great because I feel like i was enlightened by water. It told me that i should release my frustrations and look at the future that i intend to reach out for. In the middle of the day i keep thinking how pathetic I am and how i think people look at me as a person, which a lowlife. So I realized that back when i was still 9th grade i remembered how i deal with people and i remembered that I shouildn't give a F*** about what other people should think of me because they have their own lives to deal with and i have my own and I don't have to F****** care about what they say, just do what i gotta do and go on with my life. RIGHT?? And now i feel refreshed and felt like my life has restarted into a brand new save point.
Today has been pretty tiring for some reason, even though i rest a lot and laze around, i still feel tired, Well this is today Blog thingy and i Hope you keep reading.
PS. If you like posting and your overprotective parents are your friends in Facebook, make a group so that they wouldn't know what you're posting, and make sure to get all of your friends in it. That's what I did but I got out of my group, that I made myself. This is one of the many reasons i started Blogging.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Day 1
Day 1
I don't know if my life is interesting or boring, but all I know is making this journal/blog in the internet is gonna make a difference. Today, for the first time 17 years of my life, I Started caring about my life. Is it normal or is it considered a disease. Well, today was a normal day like no other and as high school student normal is just a word in the dictionary that meant something about being the same as everyone else. Like any day, I wake up, get ready, and go to school except in the Weekends. In school, I talk to one of my friends that i talk to every morning, just the mornings, because my best friends come to school after I do.
Conversations with M:
Today, I talked to M*, I'm gonna be using M since that's the first letter of "HER" first name, about how my other Friends forced her to ask me out to the prom that is about three says from now and how her current date ask me if he can take my Older sister. If she asked me out due to my retarded friends forcefulness i would feel like shit and think about how loserific i am. After that..... I completely forgot the rest, sorry about that.
Anime Mornings:
Since my First period is considered free time, my pals and I watched an episode of one of the new anime that is currently airing in Japan. Today's anime was "Kore wa Zombie Desu Ka??" or Are You a Zombie? Its an okay anime, full of gags and interesting facts and it is pretty much an okay episode for today. Nothing special happened in the episode but it was good enough to be considered Entertaining to anime freaks like myself.
Mistakes of today:
My mistakes for today is, and always will be, being an asshole to everybody. I don't know if I consider myself an asshole or not but I pretty much feel like it. Back in the day, I used to be nice to people and I considered myself as a Yes Man. Last year, I was always a happy go lucky guy, did my school work, had friends, easy going, not always frustrated, and a friend to everybody, but now i feel like that these things are the opposite of who i am today, except for the Friends part. Today, I didn't want to let my friend borrow my laptop because, as always, I don't trust him touching my laptop because he might give me a Virus and slow down my computer. He kept asking me and sarcastically begging me to hand my laptop to him to a point where I wanted clock his face in, but i didn't. I wanted to study so that i could pass this test but in return for not letting me borrow him my laptop he keeps closing down my internet browser and taking away my notebook. Since, i can hold my temper for a long time, I gave up and let him borrow it since I opened my laptop already. He calmly asked me but at the same time forced himself to use my laptop, i gave up. *sigh* As i looked up at the Clock, i had wasted 7 minutes left to study, so instead of summing up what i can I drew in my notebook instead.
6 periods later, which is 9th period. My group and I were working on a project for Physics and I got over this morning's frustrating battle with my friend. At the last minutes of class i was thinking of asking this girl out to the prom since she didn't have a date. after the bell rang, i was thinking of going for it but the my retarded self was to nervous and chickened out. Then one of my best friends told me "if your not gonna ask her, I'll ask her for you." First I was like "Yes!!" but i thought about it and I remembered one of my Female Teachers told me that a guy should ask a girl out by himself instead of asking others to do it for him. So I asked my friend is he did ask her and he said "No," so i told myself that i would hate myself if i don't man-up now and not ask her to the Prom. And so i did.
"(Said girls name*).... Uhhh...umm.... will you go prom with me..." (Exact words)
and the girl said "AWWWWW~~!!" I think that she thought it was cute but sadly she rejected me and now i feel like shit and pathetic. I wish i could have done better but who knows it must be for the better. the shitty feeling i have right now is now turned into this blog.
Well this is today's relenting experiences and if anybody's reading this right now, i hope you keep on reading.
I don't know if my life is interesting or boring, but all I know is making this journal/blog in the internet is gonna make a difference. Today, for the first time 17 years of my life, I Started caring about my life. Is it normal or is it considered a disease. Well, today was a normal day like no other and as high school student normal is just a word in the dictionary that meant something about being the same as everyone else. Like any day, I wake up, get ready, and go to school except in the Weekends. In school, I talk to one of my friends that i talk to every morning, just the mornings, because my best friends come to school after I do.
Conversations with M:
Today, I talked to M*, I'm gonna be using M since that's the first letter of "HER" first name, about how my other Friends forced her to ask me out to the prom that is about three says from now and how her current date ask me if he can take my Older sister. If she asked me out due to my retarded friends forcefulness i would feel like shit and think about how loserific i am. After that..... I completely forgot the rest, sorry about that.
Anime Mornings:
Since my First period is considered free time, my pals and I watched an episode of one of the new anime that is currently airing in Japan. Today's anime was "Kore wa Zombie Desu Ka??" or Are You a Zombie? Its an okay anime, full of gags and interesting facts and it is pretty much an okay episode for today. Nothing special happened in the episode but it was good enough to be considered Entertaining to anime freaks like myself.
Mistakes of today:
My mistakes for today is, and always will be, being an asshole to everybody. I don't know if I consider myself an asshole or not but I pretty much feel like it. Back in the day, I used to be nice to people and I considered myself as a Yes Man. Last year, I was always a happy go lucky guy, did my school work, had friends, easy going, not always frustrated, and a friend to everybody, but now i feel like that these things are the opposite of who i am today, except for the Friends part. Today, I didn't want to let my friend borrow my laptop because, as always, I don't trust him touching my laptop because he might give me a Virus and slow down my computer. He kept asking me and sarcastically begging me to hand my laptop to him to a point where I wanted clock his face in, but i didn't. I wanted to study so that i could pass this test but in return for not letting me borrow him my laptop he keeps closing down my internet browser and taking away my notebook. Since, i can hold my temper for a long time, I gave up and let him borrow it since I opened my laptop already. He calmly asked me but at the same time forced himself to use my laptop, i gave up. *sigh* As i looked up at the Clock, i had wasted 7 minutes left to study, so instead of summing up what i can I drew in my notebook instead.
6 periods later, which is 9th period. My group and I were working on a project for Physics and I got over this morning's frustrating battle with my friend. At the last minutes of class i was thinking of asking this girl out to the prom since she didn't have a date. after the bell rang, i was thinking of going for it but the my retarded self was to nervous and chickened out. Then one of my best friends told me "if your not gonna ask her, I'll ask her for you." First I was like "Yes!!" but i thought about it and I remembered one of my Female Teachers told me that a guy should ask a girl out by himself instead of asking others to do it for him. So I asked my friend is he did ask her and he said "No," so i told myself that i would hate myself if i don't man-up now and not ask her to the Prom. And so i did.
"(Said girls name*).... Uhhh...umm.... will you go prom with me..." (Exact words)
and the girl said "AWWWWW~~!!" I think that she thought it was cute but sadly she rejected me and now i feel like shit and pathetic. I wish i could have done better but who knows it must be for the better. the shitty feeling i have right now is now turned into this blog.
Well this is today's relenting experiences and if anybody's reading this right now, i hope you keep on reading.
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