

Monday, September 23, 2013

Day 4: Hard at work

September 23rd 2013

Nothing much to say today. Only a small quarrel with my sister because she blames me for not cleaning up her mess. The reason I don't clean up around the house is because most of her shit are just lying on the floor. Of course she pays the bills and cooks for me but that's only because she needs to pay the rent she promised my parents. She said to pay 500 dollars a month but most of it goes to buying groceries, filling up gas, and utilities. There might be even left overs from the 500 that she's to be paying me. Anyway, even though she puts all of her trash scattered around the house, she expects me to clean up after her. I hate that kind of Attitude.

Recollecting these pass thoughts are just gonna make me hate her, so I'm gonna stop.

Anyway, College is pretty boring. I go to a Community college so there might be a slight difference between colleges and Universities. Karate class was okay, but I expected some more action from it. I think it is because of my classmates knowledge of Karate that my teacher needs to take it slow. Philosophy was horrible. I was tired most of the time and I was struggling to keep my eyes open, Literally. My eyes were at pain and my eye lids were so heavy that I took 20 second naps to get it up for 45 more minutes. My philosophy teacher bores me most of the time. He isn't a bad teacher, he is just one of those teachers who say shit that teacher are supposed to tell, to put needed information in our tiny brains. That's why we don't have hope. Teachers need technique instead of blabbering out nonsense. A person can't learn if they aren't intrigued.

Schools should have more freedom. BOE have soooo many regularities that we have lost sight of what we should be doing. If we can, we can have the capabilities of teaching a 9 year old algebra or a foreigner learn any language. All it takes is technique. However, government thinks that the safety of  the children and the Parents wants are the bastards top priority. Who gives two shits about parents anyway, all that matters are how children learn.

I have talked too much about things that are not my forte. I talk about something that I don't even specialties. on it, especially on making the world better.

I should stop talking. When the time comes when it's my time to turn to set the rules, then it's the other people that can talk shit about how I do things.

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