*Sigh*....... Well It has been 9 days but nobody has commented on anything that i posted, I guess I'm not that Important in the world. Did Y'all know that whenever a bunny rabbit like Bugs Bunny gets lonely, They Die. *Sigh*
Well today has been great so far I feel freedom ever since i got out of this class that gives us the college experience in an online class. However this pain in the Ass of a class is only good for college practice, I think it's the Piece of S*** of the century but also good for the younger generation because it might help some of us. I call it college course but some might call it Online classes or college something, forgot what it was. Well today, since i finished and passed all my college course S***, we were sent by our college person instructor to the library where we spend most of our time looking at a wall. As for me, I looked at the Comic books and was thinking of reading Watchmen since the Movie was Badass. Instead I read this book called "Anya's Ghost" which I thought was Pretty Awesome but it wasn't original because most people might actually come up with the Same concept of what the story was about. The story is About being friends with a Ghost and S*** got serious, and that's the summary, there isn't much to say because i might spoil everything.
Conversations with M:
Well today, and the same as the past days, I keep forgetting what M and I talked about in the mornings now maybe it is because I'm too focused on what I'm gonna do in the summer.
Well, since everyday I only talk to M every 7:20 AM to 7:45, at around 7:39 my two best friends greet me with a douchy/douchey/doushi/doujinshi (Sorry, don't know how to spell the Adjective of the Douche, I don't even know if I'm spelling douche right) good morning by sitting in a table near where the table that I was sitting at and told me to come over to the table. I know that sounds simple and calm to Y'all but it's not. First of all, I see my two best friends walking into the Cafeterium (Cafeteria + Auditorium) smiling like the friends they are, and they see me looking at them. Then, every single day, this Best Friend of mine always challenges me in many different ways, like who is the better person from the both of us, I think that is his thang', Ya Knaw wat i'ma sayin'. So he told my Other best friend to stop and sit at the table that was next to mine, and make me come over to them so that I wouldn't feel superior to them or to make me feel weak. I just looked at them and thought to myself that they should get a life and get girlfriends and stop acting like douches. Since It was already 7:45, I went over there With my laptop and started my anime mornings.
Anime Mornings:
Yesterday I didn't get to finish my anime so i started that then after it finished I played an episode of "Sankarea" the Zombie Gurl. Halfway through the episode, my laptop shut off on me again and pissed me off even more, just like yesterday. I was planning of buying a new battery but i don't have transportation and the nearest trusted and good electronics stores is 4 hours away. Well, what you gotta do, I live in the F****** middle of nowhere where not even asians would live in, Except for Pilipinos, Asian population in the Town 3% of pilipinos and 1% other asians.
After the laptop shuts down, I told my friends that I wusn't abley to go to the Camping trip where Me and my two Best friends survive in the wilderness for day's. So Best friend #2, the one that was told to sat down with Best Friend #1, told me that i was a P**** so I was like "Betch! I was the one who ask everybody if they want to train in the Mountains, so why are you taking all the credit." so he said " Its because I'm the Mastemind of the whole thing," it kinda pissed me of a little bit even though he is kinda true. Reason: I want to go to the mountains so that i could train my body and mind because of 9 months of pure torture in school and just wanted clear everything away. The reason that i want him along was because i want him to be cleansed because this best friend can be very violent when he is angry and I'm the only one man enough to hold him down and protect the other ones from getting fatal injuries. They all get scared when they get angry, so for being a good friend I want him to go to the mountains so that his friends wouldn't be scared of him because he could control his emotions and understanding a little bit better, and I want him there so that he could get us food for dinner. Then Best Friend #1 pisses me off by stealing My waifu, ( A wife from an anime or game) Lightning from Final Fantasy XIII, even though we agreed to each other that we should wait for a galge (a game where you can hit on women and get them to love you, basically a game of skill in love or a Dating Sim) for her to decide who is better. So I didn't really care what he says, he just needs to shut up about it.
For the people that think that Loving a person that is real or doesn't exist is wrong, you are also wrong. You know why? It is because replacing a real person with a non-existent one is beneficial for us for both mind and body. In the real world you wouldn't go up to chick that you like and say "I Love You" you would just get hurt but if you imagine that you confessed to this Non-existent one you would get responded by a yes. For me replacing real people with the anime girls I like is beneficial because I don't have to suffer the teenage drama, I could wait until college, I know that somebody loves (other than my parents), and I won't have to cut myself in the corner and telling my self that why am i fat and not perfect.
Exercise of the Day XD :
Well today, I got chased by 3 white devils. First was Best Friend # 3, My first best friend that I have ever since I moved into town and this little gurl that has been beating me ever since i can remember. They me chased me out of the school because I took the little Gurl's camera because they took my picture without permission. I was scared that they will put me in a Porn website and do bad stuff with it. So I took and before i knew it it was already in my Hands and all that came through my mind was "PARKOUR!!!" Then the Mortal Kombat song sang in my head. They gang banged me as soon as i got tired, I managed to dodge them a little bit and they pinned me down to the wall, and i Said "I'm not ready for a Threesome~~!!" Second, Best Friend # 2 who chased me for 2 straight minutes outside the school because I wanted to go travelling outside or take a walk. Sooo~~~, He chased me bacause I ran away from him. He finally caught me when I got tired and when i tried to hide from him he caught me while i was down. Too bad :C
After school:
After school Best Friend # 3 and I went to his Haus to get some stuff for a project but we ended up looking over some cool stuff like a gun, bullets for the gun, and a dead body (I'm kidding about the last part, the first ones are true.) So I was thinking of making the Haus into a hangout for my friends and I so I asked Best Friend # 3 if we can clean it up and hang out in it. He said he'll think about it.
For an hour and thirty minutes, We didn't find S*** for the project, the project is to make a House that is wired with wires to make light bulb go light. Me, Best Friend # 3 and # 4, (# 4 is my best friend that i hang out a lot and is considered as a brother just like # 3, both of them are my brother from different mothers) the three of us finished up what we can to our project and went home to rest.
Thank you for reading it, Hope y'all read more. I think this is the longest one that i have ever written in one hour. and comment please~, I live for these comment it keeps me alive. T_T