September 30th 2013
"A life unexamined is a life not worth living..." - Socrates
I was reading the "Apology of Socrates" for my Philosophy class and I thought that this quote was simply profound and amazing. Socrates said this in his final moments when he was about to be executed. He says that his mission was to figure out what his existence meant and why did the Oracle say that he was the Wisest man in all of Athens. I think. Anyway, This quote made me think about my existence in life because I want to be a lot of things. I want to be a dictator because I believe that in order for a country to succeed one person must have the courage to do what is right. I want to be a Dictator to force the corrupt to be the weaker being. To do the right thing must be learned and must be applied in our daily lives.
Aside from becoming a dictator, I also want to be a Teacher who teaches values, virtues, and beliefs that will help out the future generation discover their hidden talent and find their existence in life. I believe that winning is important both in life and learning. If we keep losing we will only feel down but if we are winning we keep doing what we do best. So competitions like Basketball, MMA, etc. is just a mistake that will destroy us in the future. Test, College/Universities, even spelling bees, are fucked up systems that people make up so that we can rank ourselves. But without these we will never know how good we are. However, it doesn't mean that they are completely for the greater good. I think ranking a person based on their skills are bullshit at least keep it private, no one needs to know your successes. If we strive to only better ourselves from other individuals then our purpose of living is to not know ourselves but just to better ourselves without knowing who we really are. A dumbass is as good as any scholar. We stress ourselves all the fucking time because we want to be accepted by society. Then there is no hope for Humanity and the thing with God getting all the good people to Heaven and bad ones left behind on Earth will happen, Only when Humanity has finally lost hope. Just sayin'
If anybody, anybody at all, keeps up with this Bull I call my blog, I'm sorry for being lazy and not writing anything for 6 days. I haven't had one exciting day ever since to what is the point of writing when you have no purpose. But, as for today, it was fairly interesting. In my karate class in college, I had a lot of Fun and I actually conversed with some of my peers today. After class, my sister picked me up and we went home. When I got in the house, I saw something unexpected. I saw my sister doing Laundry!!!! I never thought that she would actually do it willingly but I think she just did it because of her sense of responsibility. If I was there she would have ordered me to do the laundry instead. Whenever she cooks, I usually do most of the chores, like cleaning after her stupid pile of disaster whenever she uses the kitchen, clean the other disaster she left in the living room, taking out the trash, and Vacuuming.
2 hours later, I went back to School and to finish up the day I went to my Philosophy class and we talked about Socrates and what he meant about everything he said on Plato's "Apology of Socrates" and it made me wake up in the class. By the way, I cut my hair on Friday but no one noticed or said anything about my hair. Now I know how women felt. Except for Karate class, one person noticed.
To talk about the missing days, nothing happened at all. Just my normal and daily life during the weekend. Just Finishing up some work for class and Videogames. So ya'll didn't miss much of my extremely boring life.
If you find grammar mistakes, please don't judge me. I'm only 18.

Monday, September 30, 2013
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Day 5: Hmmm.
September 24th 2013
Nothing exciting happened today. I wish my life would be more interesting than the average person life should be. I want a life where random shit happens, like saving my family from the cartel or aliens come to take over the world. Some shit like that.
Anyway, Today's classes where boring as usual, except for my Science class because the professor is a funny guy. Political science focuses more on American Politics when it's supposed to be the study of how we can make country sustain their fucked up countries. This type of learning is pretty stupid in my eyes because why would we learn the politics of America when we can learn other countries' government so that we can copy it and make our own, to make it better. Don't we have the time and money to do that.
Just heard something knock, I don't know what the fuck it was but it spooked me.
Anyhoooo, Math class was normal as usual, professor's great at teaching, his work is very easy, pretty much everything's easy in his class. It's like elementary but college style.
In science, we just did a review.
At home, my sister made spaghetti, which is my favorite food. Pretty much everything with noodles in it, I love. Like ramen, Pasta, spaghetti, Udon, more rame, etc. After that I left to go to the gym, went back, turned on the TV, play GTA 5 until 12 AM. I did some work for my classes tomorrow, to get myself ready for the challenges ahead. And after that, I right here typing this worthless writing that people wouldn't notice at all because the grammar is bad.
Nothing exciting happened today. I wish my life would be more interesting than the average person life should be. I want a life where random shit happens, like saving my family from the cartel or aliens come to take over the world. Some shit like that.
Anyway, Today's classes where boring as usual, except for my Science class because the professor is a funny guy. Political science focuses more on American Politics when it's supposed to be the study of how we can make country sustain their fucked up countries. This type of learning is pretty stupid in my eyes because why would we learn the politics of America when we can learn other countries' government so that we can copy it and make our own, to make it better. Don't we have the time and money to do that.
Just heard something knock, I don't know what the fuck it was but it spooked me.
Anyhoooo, Math class was normal as usual, professor's great at teaching, his work is very easy, pretty much everything's easy in his class. It's like elementary but college style.
In science, we just did a review.
At home, my sister made spaghetti, which is my favorite food. Pretty much everything with noodles in it, I love. Like ramen, Pasta, spaghetti, Udon, more rame, etc. After that I left to go to the gym, went back, turned on the TV, play GTA 5 until 12 AM. I did some work for my classes tomorrow, to get myself ready for the challenges ahead. And after that, I right here typing this worthless writing that people wouldn't notice at all because the grammar is bad.
Monday, September 23, 2013
Day 4: Hard at work
September 23rd 2013
Nothing much to say today. Only a small quarrel with my sister because she blames me for not cleaning up her mess. The reason I don't clean up around the house is because most of her shit are just lying on the floor. Of course she pays the bills and cooks for me but that's only because she needs to pay the rent she promised my parents. She said to pay 500 dollars a month but most of it goes to buying groceries, filling up gas, and utilities. There might be even left overs from the 500 that she's to be paying me. Anyway, even though she puts all of her trash scattered around the house, she expects me to clean up after her. I hate that kind of Attitude.
Recollecting these pass thoughts are just gonna make me hate her, so I'm gonna stop.
Anyway, College is pretty boring. I go to a Community college so there might be a slight difference between colleges and Universities. Karate class was okay, but I expected some more action from it. I think it is because of my classmates knowledge of Karate that my teacher needs to take it slow. Philosophy was horrible. I was tired most of the time and I was struggling to keep my eyes open, Literally. My eyes were at pain and my eye lids were so heavy that I took 20 second naps to get it up for 45 more minutes. My philosophy teacher bores me most of the time. He isn't a bad teacher, he is just one of those teachers who say shit that teacher are supposed to tell, to put needed information in our tiny brains. That's why we don't have hope. Teachers need technique instead of blabbering out nonsense. A person can't learn if they aren't intrigued.
Schools should have more freedom. BOE have soooo many regularities that we have lost sight of what we should be doing. If we can, we can have the capabilities of teaching a 9 year old algebra or a foreigner learn any language. All it takes is technique. However, government thinks that the safety of the children and the Parents wants are the bastards top priority. Who gives two shits about parents anyway, all that matters are how children learn.
I have talked too much about things that are not my forte. I talk about something that I don't even specialties. on it, especially on making the world better.
I should stop talking. When the time comes when it's my time to turn to set the rules, then it's the other people that can talk shit about how I do things.
Nothing much to say today. Only a small quarrel with my sister because she blames me for not cleaning up her mess. The reason I don't clean up around the house is because most of her shit are just lying on the floor. Of course she pays the bills and cooks for me but that's only because she needs to pay the rent she promised my parents. She said to pay 500 dollars a month but most of it goes to buying groceries, filling up gas, and utilities. There might be even left overs from the 500 that she's to be paying me. Anyway, even though she puts all of her trash scattered around the house, she expects me to clean up after her. I hate that kind of Attitude.
Recollecting these pass thoughts are just gonna make me hate her, so I'm gonna stop.
Anyway, College is pretty boring. I go to a Community college so there might be a slight difference between colleges and Universities. Karate class was okay, but I expected some more action from it. I think it is because of my classmates knowledge of Karate that my teacher needs to take it slow. Philosophy was horrible. I was tired most of the time and I was struggling to keep my eyes open, Literally. My eyes were at pain and my eye lids were so heavy that I took 20 second naps to get it up for 45 more minutes. My philosophy teacher bores me most of the time. He isn't a bad teacher, he is just one of those teachers who say shit that teacher are supposed to tell, to put needed information in our tiny brains. That's why we don't have hope. Teachers need technique instead of blabbering out nonsense. A person can't learn if they aren't intrigued.
Schools should have more freedom. BOE have soooo many regularities that we have lost sight of what we should be doing. If we can, we can have the capabilities of teaching a 9 year old algebra or a foreigner learn any language. All it takes is technique. However, government thinks that the safety of the children and the Parents wants are the bastards top priority. Who gives two shits about parents anyway, all that matters are how children learn.
I have talked too much about things that are not my forte. I talk about something that I don't even specialties. on it, especially on making the world better.
I should stop talking. When the time comes when it's my time to turn to set the rules, then it's the other people that can talk shit about how I do things.
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Day 3: Don't ask..
September 22nd 2013
I expected this to happen and I didn't regret it. I spent 12 hours playing GTA 5 non-stop. Are my eyes okay? Yes, they are still okay.
There isn't much to say but just this. I had a great time today and since I didn't have to do any college work, I just let myself go and didn't think about anything else. It felt great without thinking about problems in my life. Even if I did, I would probably just brush it off and look to a happy and brighter future. There's no reason for us to be sulking all the time and eat our feelings to get through the day's problems.
I have a saying: Whatever genre you prefer your movies on, that's the kind of life you want to live in.
Meaning is that people seek entertainment to look for what is missing in their life. As for me, I hate drama movies because they Fucking bore me to death and there aren't hardly any romance, comedy, action, etc. Just a fucking loser who has a problem.
I expected this to happen and I didn't regret it. I spent 12 hours playing GTA 5 non-stop. Are my eyes okay? Yes, they are still okay.
There isn't much to say but just this. I had a great time today and since I didn't have to do any college work, I just let myself go and didn't think about anything else. It felt great without thinking about problems in my life. Even if I did, I would probably just brush it off and look to a happy and brighter future. There's no reason for us to be sulking all the time and eat our feelings to get through the day's problems.
I have a saying: Whatever genre you prefer your movies on, that's the kind of life you want to live in.
Meaning is that people seek entertainment to look for what is missing in their life. As for me, I hate drama movies because they Fucking bore me to death and there aren't hardly any romance, comedy, action, etc. Just a fucking loser who has a problem.
Saturday, September 21, 2013
Day 2: It's a lonely saturday
Septmeber 21st 2013,
Time: 7:30
I woke up early in the morning without the need of an Alarm, I checked my phone to see what time it was to stop the alarm from phone to stop it ringing. I see 7:29. Just one more minute for it to scream good morning to me, but I turned it off before it can actually do so.
I've been wandering a lot yesterday whether or not I have class today, so I log on to humanities supposed brilliant creation, the Blackboard, to check up on my class. It turns out, that I don't have classes today but why aren't I happy? Well for one, I have nothing else to do. Two, I might have something to do but I don't know what it is. And three, college life is boring without money. "So why can't you get a job," is what you might say. The problem is that the government can't let me work because I don't have a social security. Don't ask me to apply for one because I can't due to circumstances.
Anyway, after I checked my status, I went to facebook to see if my family are still going crazy over me writing a bunch of feeling on facebook. Like COME ON!!!! It's bad enough that I'm living a shitty life right now and they call me in the middle of the night just to complain what I wrote. It wasn't even meant for them. Is it really that hard to read something. Some people just looks at a few words and they suddenly think that they're the one being targeted. Fuck!!!
Oh well, whatever. Right now you're probably Thinking, "SHIT!!! This guy is Mad that his caring family is going against him." It's not that I'm against, it's more like "what I wrote mostly doesn't concern anybody and all my post are only targeting," isn't that the whole point.
You know what I'm gonna stop writing for a while. If I don't stop, I'm just gonna keep writing until my free day passes by. I literally spend 25 minute to write all the words above and I'm not even gonna revise it.
Time: 5:35
I called one of my best friends this morning and asked him if I can borrow some games from him. And he said that it was cool and did everything he can so I can get the games. I was a little troubled about my family getting on my case and this act of kindness from him actually made my day. My friends have always been there for me and I have always been there for them, and that will never change. For the time being, I can just wait until he needs me to do something for him.
I miss all of my friends back home and I was kinda touched by their reactions when I said that I'll be far away. Especially this friend that I asked a favor from this morning. When I told him that I'll be going to Dallas he went to my house and hanged out with me until the day was done. When he got there, he was crying like an idiot but I love that sentimentality of his and that's why he's like my Brother. We talked about his relationship with this girl and gave some advice on how to get her. We talked about some of the memories we had before we graduated. It was just me and him that night, and none of our other friends showed up. Him just being there showed me how a good friends he is to me.
No matter how our future writes itself, I hope that I can still be the same as I am now. If I become a Tyrant who looks down to all the people below him, I hope my brother will be there to Smack the shit out of me.
Time: 7:30
I woke up early in the morning without the need of an Alarm, I checked my phone to see what time it was to stop the alarm from phone to stop it ringing. I see 7:29. Just one more minute for it to scream good morning to me, but I turned it off before it can actually do so.
I've been wandering a lot yesterday whether or not I have class today, so I log on to humanities supposed brilliant creation, the Blackboard, to check up on my class. It turns out, that I don't have classes today but why aren't I happy? Well for one, I have nothing else to do. Two, I might have something to do but I don't know what it is. And three, college life is boring without money. "So why can't you get a job," is what you might say. The problem is that the government can't let me work because I don't have a social security. Don't ask me to apply for one because I can't due to circumstances.
Anyway, after I checked my status, I went to facebook to see if my family are still going crazy over me writing a bunch of feeling on facebook. Like COME ON!!!! It's bad enough that I'm living a shitty life right now and they call me in the middle of the night just to complain what I wrote. It wasn't even meant for them. Is it really that hard to read something. Some people just looks at a few words and they suddenly think that they're the one being targeted. Fuck!!!
Oh well, whatever. Right now you're probably Thinking, "SHIT!!! This guy is Mad that his caring family is going against him." It's not that I'm against, it's more like "what I wrote mostly doesn't concern anybody and all my post are only targeting," isn't that the whole point.
You know what I'm gonna stop writing for a while. If I don't stop, I'm just gonna keep writing until my free day passes by. I literally spend 25 minute to write all the words above and I'm not even gonna revise it.
Time: 5:35
I called one of my best friends this morning and asked him if I can borrow some games from him. And he said that it was cool and did everything he can so I can get the games. I was a little troubled about my family getting on my case and this act of kindness from him actually made my day. My friends have always been there for me and I have always been there for them, and that will never change. For the time being, I can just wait until he needs me to do something for him.
I miss all of my friends back home and I was kinda touched by their reactions when I said that I'll be far away. Especially this friend that I asked a favor from this morning. When I told him that I'll be going to Dallas he went to my house and hanged out with me until the day was done. When he got there, he was crying like an idiot but I love that sentimentality of his and that's why he's like my Brother. We talked about his relationship with this girl and gave some advice on how to get her. We talked about some of the memories we had before we graduated. It was just me and him that night, and none of our other friends showed up. Him just being there showed me how a good friends he is to me.
No matter how our future writes itself, I hope that I can still be the same as I am now. If I become a Tyrant who looks down to all the people below him, I hope my brother will be there to Smack the shit out of me.
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